
Name: Baxter

Age: 20+

Occupation: (Ex) Adventurer.

Magic: He's attuned to Air magic, but he has also devised his own form of 'Force magic' with Air as a base componant, such as pushing, pulling and lifting.

Background: Baxter was always the poorest, he spent a lot of time moving from place to place with his mother, but then she [Redacted].. He eventually found a Magic Tome at [Redacted] ... Not much else is known, aside from the adventurers guild records.

Baxter has always had a cloak since his first days as an adventurer, but over the years, it has widdled down to merely a Capelet[a small, if not miniature cape usually covering the shoulders]. He always has his trusty staff which he had carved from a tree with rejuvinating capabilities, carved with the words 'Safe Blessing'.
His hair is dark, almost black in colour, he's quite toned from years of adventuring both alone and with a party.

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7 | Jul 23rd 2019 20:01