
While heading back home from the tavern, Jingyi retries to talk with YooJin about the matter, as promised.
He spent part of his evening stealing, basically, so he cannot judge him and be that angry, he just would have liked that at least him, he would have managed to remain clean, since he sees him as a little brother by now.
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1 | May 19th 2019 16:46
Grandpy "I don't remember his name... he was staring at our old house..." Prefers to avoid to tell him everything, since he kept the secret for so long. "He looked like he wanted to rob us, but was strangely well dressed..." But he is pretty sure to have never seen General Yung. Instead he almost had him as a customer.
"Ye..." And he doubts Jingyi would ever be a prostitute.
"There is not much I'm good at, either... I'm not even strong." So they can't be a carpenters firm, unless they do like Marge and Homer when she wanted to work with wood.
"For my job I need to see many people... so that I can find customers..." he says in a super low tone.
Straggler He raises an eyebrow and frowns a little at his words. "When did it happen? The damned cheaters are all like that. What did he tell you? That fucking quarter was really the worst." He mutters. The thought it could be HyunKi doesn't even cross his mind, why would he even care to go to see his place.
"So what to do? We cannot start as builders, woodcutters or that kind of things, I am sure not even Alì would do that, he is too lazy.
The most crowded places get to be the inns usually, lots of people coming by, different times of the day too..."
Grandpy "A... while ago... I didn't give it too much importance since nothing bad happened... he was probably a cheater indeed." Wondering that for real. Why would anyone with good purposes start to look at people's stuff.
"Ye... and it's also in inns that I have to go in the end... when I find the customer..." Always lowering his voice when speaking about customers. "If we could make a good inn... I could bring all my rich customers there too, so they'd pay for the room and it would be like a double earning..."
Straggler "Good...that damned quarter, we won't end up in a place like that ever again." He shakes his head.
He still finds it strange to hear it but YooJin seems so fine with it, why should he bother him. "In there, if something happens you can even call us, so you are more protected.
Ye, it sounds good! But how much money would that be...I lost all my savings, damn it." The idea to ask Mun crosses his mind but he just shakes his head, he doesn't want to tell her more lies.
Grandpy He nods at his words. "I'm so glad we are out of there..." Not much for Hyunkino, more for all the criminals around.
"Ye... such a thing would really have many positive sides, except that people could it to track me..." That's the only thing that worries him a little, but with people like Jingyi around, which of those wimp nobles would dare to come cause troubles to him?
"I guess it will take some time, but if we all focus on earning money on our own way, we'll get to the right amount... I could try to... meet some more men..."