
It has been a busy week for his guys. Upon the capture of a suspected traitor, a whole web of potential traitors got uncovered, exposing many traffickers of all kind, supporting the cause of a potential rebellion.
Among the many names the General received from the first suspect, in a torture session, there was also that of an ex nurse, said to practice illegally and to have even kidnapped and sold babies, in the past.

He doesn't participate directly to the investigations, nor to the raid of the house of the nurse after she is found, due to his many duties, but his IAs do their job just as flawlessly as ever and barely an hour after they left the hq, they come back with the captured woman.
As usual, a couple of IAs remained on the scene, in case someone will go there. It's a good trap for more traitors to show up, which is the main reason why someone always remains in there.

It barely takes a couple of hours to get every information they could from the woman and to confirm her unequivocal guilt. Sadly, now even IAs have to protect innocents.
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0 | Apr 26th 2019 08:18
DontCry She shrugs. "Too bad I serve only the northern prince! The Palace must be so full of handsome boys!" I am the most handsome though - she thinks.
It took longer than expected and she is positively surprised. She didn't expect this to be as pleasurable as it Is for men, she was wrong though.
She lies down to the side and is still surprised. "Damn...then that's how they feel..." She says thoughtfully. "I am so strange..."
DontCry "What are you doing in here if you are not working?" She blinks now, surprised. I hope he won't bring me troubles... - she thinks.
She stretches and takes a breath. "I am sweated, I should take a bath badly." Or what prince would she be.
"Eh?" Her eyes widen, not sure what to say at first to cover her ass. "I It feels when you do it willingly and princes don't just force you!"
DontCry "Ah right... what the heol thought! Shouldn't you go to a doctor to get visited? You must be here for a reason! Guards wouldn't let you in otherwise!
You didn't hurt me. You could have gone harder even." What a bitch she Is. "Of course you were better but it is not even a compliment because they were really too bad!
This belongs to one of the northern princes, the one who ran away! Hope he will not return now all the sudden. Eh, prince Tiao."
DontCry She blinks. "How so?" Having almost no clue about the Avatars.
"Why are you scared? I told you it was good and you didn't even hurt me!"
She sits up lazily. "Why can't I? I am sure he is not going to come back now! Totally sure!" I fucked up again, damn it! - she thinks and grabs her dress. "Eh, without underclothes it is so much more comfortable. I don't think i will wear all the pieces of the uniform from now on!"
DontCry She blinks. He must have a strange situation, like mine - she thinks - I still fear the moment they will take off the spell of my awesome manly body...
"Do exactly what they expect from you." She shrugs and places a hand on her hip.
"Get us both killed, maybe not! We could make him join the party since he is so handsome!
Eh?! No!" There are all my things, how can you think that?! - she thinks. "Absolutely not! What grows too big and we end up burning down the entire Palace?"