
Trying to avoid to involve himself in the matter regarding ZhaoZi's poisoning, not wanting to seem suspicious, he decides to pay a visit to his... 'son'.

* When they returned from Earth, LianBi couldn't leave the child to himself, but at the same time he didn't want just to act like the one who fixes all the messes Bang-sul makes. For that reason, he claimed his love to be the official adopter of the child, but since they are married, he is not out of it either.
Basically, CocoBun and HoneyBud are the first official children of BangSul and LianBi, as a couple.

Although he doesn't visit the child too often, as be lacks that fatherly side, he still asks about him and tries to see him from time to time. And this seemed as a perfect moment to do so. Also since he was reported he gave another terrible night to all the staff of his residence.
CocoBun has serious sleep disorders and night terrors, that sometimes get really troublesome.

He reaches the residence - not far, since all the Princes are staying in the Sun Quarters for now - and warns the servants to call CocoBun out. He is told the boy is sleeping after staying awake for most of the night.
They go to wake him up, though and after some time, needed to prepare, CocoBun arrives there too
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0 | Mar 10th 2019 11:27
Hudie "You can't imagine how much I don't give a fuck about liars." He is the first to lie most of the time.
"Having secrets and refusing to speak is the same as lying. I'm sorry to tell you." Lies, he is not sorry.
"I guess. That's the only place full enough with wenches to hope to pass unnoticed. But I guess there is no way we can set a foot in there, without Jeonha's permission."
Btch "You cannot imagine how stressing it is for me instead. It is horrid to know all that people are lying to you. I mean, why can't you just say how things are? If you don't want to say something, just don't. Why to lie?" He is just spitting out all he has inside, poor Tero for going through this.
He might have found a way, let's not say anything until we are sure. I would investigate quietly...Shinobi's way I guess?"
Hudie "I wonder how come it's so unclear to you that I. DO. NOT. GIVE. A. SINGLE. FUCK. Yet it is a rather simple concept even a retarded could catch after being repeated 10 times in 20 minutes." He could have been more decent, but now he has no intention to be anymore, neither with him nor with anyone.
"Shinobi probably hide in shame whenever you address yourself as such. I am not setting a foot in that harem. Die by yourself."
Btch "Can't you just not listen if you are not interested? I am complaining on mh own, just ignore me if it bothers you so much.
Don't remind me. Grandpa still doesn't talk to me, he pretends to be sick and weak whenever he sees me." He mutters.
He sighs. "Fine, I will go on my own, hopefully with Jeonha's permission."
Hudie "I can't turn my hearing off, you can shut your mouth, though, and keep your whining for the only person in the world who can pretend to stand it: your mother."
He raises a brow. "Wise old man."