Brady Wilson II

This is an official MCS file of the The Government of Spain. This file is a soldier information file and it is general information on this military soldier.

(An english translation of the file can be requested to the chief in this duristition.)
Origin of the name: Irish.
Nickname, if any: Homo-Feline
Does he or she like the nickname? yes
Date of birth: 18/1/1780.
Place of birth: southern land.
Ethnicity: Italian and English
Religion: His Father's Kingdom of the Morning World (Currently)
Xerism (in part)
Degree of religious practice: casual, expired (xerism)
Current address: Los Angeles.
Does he / she rent or own? Own.
Brief description of the house
(apartment, house, trailer, etc.): house.

Does he or she live with someone? yes
Describe the area in which he or she lives
(big city, town, rural, other): Town.
Is this home their ideal location? Yes
If not, what would he prefer? Rural
Home decoration (check all that apply): __X_ Expensive ___ Cheap
___ Carefully planned _X__ Comfortable
_X__ Neat ___ Messy
When someone enters, what is your first impression? He has many expensive things.
Pets? ___ No (why?) __X_ Yes
If yes, what type and how many? A lion Name (s)? Killer King
How important are they? He is very important to Brady. How well are they treated? He is treated as he would treat himself.
Current occupation: Full-time owner of Wilson & Co in Las Angles.
Job satisfaction: Satisfied.
Income level: One hundred thousand reales (depending on work)
Education: Australian education.
Does he or she drive? Yes. What type of vehicle does he or she own, if they have one ?: He has twenty-nine horses (One Misaki, Four Akhal-Tekes -- One White, One Red, One Black, and, One "Ashen"-- , Nine Connemaras, Eleven Thoroughbreds, One Mule, One Child-sized Pony, Three Criollos, Three Dartmoors, One Heavily-Armored Akhal-Teke, One Grey Akhal-Teke, One Hokkaido, One Brightly-Dyed Akhal-Teke, One Thoroughbred "Pegasus", and, One Thoroughbred "Unicorn", ) , six boats, a car, two storage wagons, a coach, a military storage wagon, transport service vehicles, an armed aerial vehicle, a high class air vehicle, a high class boat, a naval ship, a yacht, and a war machine.
Sexual preference: Females.
Marital status: Romantically involved.
If he or she is married, or has a romantic relationship, with whom and for how long? Kateline Mugger for ten years.
List any significant previous romantic partners: Blonde girl One, Blonde Girl Two, Brunette Girl One, Brunette Girl Two.

How did they meet? The soldier met Kateline in the southern land, where they were born of convicts, they grew up in South Land; both moved to Los Angeles separately in 1813 and still live there separately.

Any children: Brady Wilson III (Thirty), Seth Wilson II (Twenty) and Kateline Mugger II (Five).

Describe the relationship with each child (if any): Caring.

Average height
Average weight.
What's their body type? Muscular.
Eye color? Red (formally) Hazel (currently)
Does he or she have any use of glasses? Yes (formally)
Skin Tone: White
Any omens? A tattoo with the words: "Sail homeward!" over his navel. (Naval tattoo with a meaning on his navigating his way home). The cursive word: "Rico", with a diamond dotted in the "I", adorned his left chest (Marked his transition in wealth. The diamond marked of its rarity and strength in the Navy). A tattoo of five Spanish Reales (The ends are smaller and then gradualy becomes larger in the middle) adorned his right breast, representing more than fifty thousand reales he earned during his naval days. A tattoo of a snake on his snake bite he received in California during his naval days (symbolizes the dangers of wildlife in California) adorned the left side of his back. A shark fin tattoo that emerges from the lower back, over the buttocks, with a small wave of water under the fin where the rest of the shark would have been submerged (A tattoo representing a shark trying to sneak toward their ship.) A tattoo of a paper glider with many small lines, which was straight and a circle and then a diagonal line, adorned on the right side of his back; it symbolizes his long naval journey that has many trials and tribulations the wind takes you wherever it will. A tattoo of an executioner swinging his axe over his trouser area, this symbolizes his inability to maintain a romantic partner, who either dies or leaves (due to his inability to love). A tattoo of a heart sewn on the lower left frontal torso represents his inability to love women. A tattoo of a small fish on the left side of his neck, a metaphor for his life at sea. There is also a theory that it was due to his naval experience in the Spanish Navy. A tattoo of a cursive phrase: Slash for Cash on his throat, one theory is that multiple people try to kill him for money; Another theory is that it refers to a piracy group that sailed through the West Indies that put the same mark on every crew member. A tattoo of a coin that represents the number "100" with a black background on the back of the neck. The symbolism of the tattoo is from him earning money (and a 100% commitment to his naval life). A tattoo of a series of lines that make up seventeen triangles, one of which is a large triangle for the nose, that form a geometric shape of a fox's head on the left side of his neck; The symbolism of this is that each line in the tattoo represents a person who was cheated in the navy, the fox was a symbolism of his own trap. A tattoo of a thick and curly mustache on his upper-left arm represents his own wishes to grow one, as the navy did not allow it. A padlock tattoo with a heart symbol shaped keyhole on his inner wrist, which represents the padlock of his heart. A tattoo of a prickly rose on the outer part of his lower left arm represents his trials and tribulations in love for women. A tattoo of a woman, supposedly Miss Mugger, sitting upon an "M" surrounded by flowers adorned his upper left arm; The representation of the tattoo was probably his greaving for her death, and her grief when he went off to sea. A tattoo of a ram skull superimposed on a pentacle adorned his upper right arm, representing the blood sacrifice of his religion; who was his fellow naval friend. A dagger in the lower outer part of his right arm, the arm of the hand with which he holds his dagger, represents that he is an outlaw and shows no mercy (except for women). The tattoo of a dagger, with strands of smoke surrounding it, on the left inner leg, represents the luthe place where the dagger is sheathed. A tattoo of a French worm that wears a beret and smokes a cigar on his right outer leg represents his hatred of the French Naval Forces, describing them as worthless worms. A tattoo of a Native American-style ram skull adorned his right inner leg, representing the war of America.

Face shape (round, oval, chubby, thin, long, square, heart-shaped, etc.)? Round
Who is it more like (for example, famous person or relative)? King murderer
General health (good, excellent, bad ...)? Between good and poor.
Any important condition? Smallpox
Any current health problems? Smallpox
How do you dress?

_X_ Expensive __ Average
__ Cheap cheap
e rest).
Natural hair texture
(thick, thin, fibrous, smooth, wavy, curly, careless, etc.): smooth.
Current texture of the hair (if different from the previous one): thick and curly.
Natural hair color: Brown.
Current hair color (if different from above): Brown with Blonde Stripes

Rhythm (does he or she speak fast, average, slow?): Fast.
Accent or dialect, if any: Australian.
Voice tone
(sharp, high, average, deep, squeaky,
hoarse, rough, authoritative, cultured, etc.): deep.
Any favorite / usual words / phrases or curses? Breech'd Bit-faka boned!

Describe general vocabulary or speech pattern (for example, polite, precise, pretentious, average, childish, uneducated, vulgar): incomprehensible and vulgar
Mannerisms / behavior? __X__ Cool / safe
___ volatile / cranky
___ Nervous / nervous / shy
___ Other?
Typical posture: ___ rigid and rigid
___ Stands straight but not rigid
___ Average, change according to mood
___ collapsed and defeated
__X__ Slouchy, careless
___ relaxed
___ Other
Gestures: ___ Does not make many gestures
___ Deliberate and controlled
____ Only when excited / upset
___ Most of the time
__X__ Wild / Strange
Common gestures (for example, biting your nails, clapping your hair, drumming your fingers, clenched fists, hands in your pockets, etc.): Hand movements.
Finance: (prudent / cautious, average w / some debt, live check by check, heavily indebted, criminal activity, etc.): Criminal activity.
Describe any personal habits, p. smoking, drinking, drugs, gambling, etc .: drinking, Gambling, suicide. Any of these addictions? Yes, all of them.
Morning routine:
He wakes up from the woman in his bed, growls under his breath, drinks a dozen cups of whiskey on his yacht and curses his waitress.
Describe the character's morning rituals. Who else is sleeping in the same bed? What time do you wake up? Are you happy in the morning? What wakes you up: alarm, spouse / lover, children, pet? What does he / she do during breakfast-reading, feeding the children, etc.

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1 | Jan 26th 2019 03:47