Character Bio- James Desperaux De Soto

General Information

First name: James
Middle name(s): Desperaux
Surname: De Soto
Age: Unknown (appears 20-22)
Date of birth: Unknown
Race: Unknown (appears human)
Gender: male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Current residence: His ocean vessel "Triton's Fury"
Relationship status: Single
Social status: Most Feared Pirate to ever sail

Traits of Voice

Accent (if any): Heavy Spanish accent
Language spoken: English
Other languages known: Spanish
Style of speaking: Eccentric, esoteric, arrogant, pompous, and extremely flamboyant, extremely expressive (Like a more intelligent Jack Sparrow)
Volume of voice: All over the place, can be quiet but is loud when he is excited.

Physical Appearence

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 120 lbs
Eye colour: Black
Skin colour: Olive
Shape of face: Sharp features
Distinguishing features:
Build of body: slim but muscular
Hair colour: black and white
Hair style: long, tied back in a braid
Tattoos: both arms
Piercings: earrings and
Others: split tongue and a scar over his right eye.

Wild and free like the ocean winds, Captain De Soto knows no master and exudes an air of confidence and swagger everywhere he goes. He is a master of mind games and can wrestle even the darkest secrets out of complete strangers. Extremely flirtatious with any fine specimen, man or woman, De Soto is a lover, but he can certainly be a fighter if driven far enough. He hides a dark secret, which as a pirate, is his most regarded treasure. He is antagonistic and loves to be entertained by people as he finds free will to be mans greatest power, the power to control their own destiny.
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5 | Jan 12th 2019 23:26