Thanistar BlackHeart


Name: Thanistar BlackHeart (Not real name)
Age: High Thousands. Far older then he looks
Species: Shadow Daemon
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 215 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: blank
Build: solid
Likes: Shadows, beautiful women, enticing situations, gothic art/scenery
Hates: Arrogance, blind righteousness/patriotism,
Occupation: None
Personality: Dashing yet fearful
Abilities: enhanced senses, shadow manipulation/conjuration/control, emotional manipulation
Powers: Liquid shadows

Bio: Thanistar is a creature of the void, which means everything to him is absolute nothingness. He has no emotions, desires or drives of any kind. If you summon him, be prepared to exactly what you need him for.
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7 | Jan 8th 2019 01:17