
Unlike his present self, Bang-sul has a much deeper knowledge of his own mind. Being blind has actually helped him to achieve many things, it can safely be said that blindness also made it easier for him to master his powers, since it left him in a state of desperation that cannot be described.

Now, it happens that his previous Jewel was very connected to mind, unlike the current one. Just like the dream-sharing was a proof of this involvement.
In the years, through sleep, he also had access to those memories that were taken away from him, although he, at the moment, still believes those events he witnessed to be just dreams.

Living inside the Palace makes him a little cut-out from most of the events occurring outside. He keeps himself as far as possible from his present self and the Princes, thus there are many things he can't know, unless LianBi tells him.

It's night. He is still basically living in the Emperor's quarters and at the moment they are sleeping in his bed.
Bang-sul is a little restless though, he has a strange feeling that keeps him awake.
Suddenly, screams right outside the building get him to sit up. LianBi too wakes up immediately.
Guards shouting and threatening, maids screaming, some eerie growling noises...
"Stay here", says LiamBi, standing up from the bed.
My ass - thinks Bang-sul, who stands up right after the Emperor and follows him outside.
He can't see, but Jeonha suddenly pushes him behind himself, as if to shield him. He must really think he is as weak as he behaves with him. Tsk.

"GongPo." Another one, wee, the heaven for Seth.
To that, it's him to push LianBi behind himself. He can't see what the other looks like, but the voice too is that of the eunuch and he knows for sure that boy died. It wasn't the kind of death that leaves doubts, he was decapitated, entirely. First thought: zombie apocalypse? Damn, JJ was right...
"What have they done to you...?" says Seth, probably referring to his blindness.
"Why are you here? What do you want?" he decides to act as if he knows, although he didn't get who the other really is.
"It is what everyone keeps asking me. You know who am I, don't you? You remember."
"You can't be who I think you are." Also since if he was that eunuch, he should be bones by now.
"You know me by the name of Seth."
Bang-sul gets like petrified. All the 'dreams' he had suddenly appear in his mind again. Dreams be actually enjoyed and gave him relief in some.lf the worst momentd of his life, after the death of Qing, where everything else seemed nothing but sorrow.
The question that would come to his mind is 'you are real'? But he somewhat doesn't want to give away too much, in front of LianBi and the others.
"I have a gift for you. The other you is not ready yet."
What the f*** should that mean? Ready for what?! - he thinks. He feels something close to him, not a person, just an object hovering in front of him. With some hesitation, he raises his hands to take the item. It's obviously a sword in its scabbard... and he recognizes it at the very first touch. His katana, the one Haru sold on Earth, that he thought the police had stolen.
"The sword your grandfather sent you, from Japan. You liked it so much."
F***, f***, f***... it was all true, it was all real - he thinks.
Loud, disembodiment growls. A man screaming in tremendous pain, more screams and general panic. Bang-sul tries to keep calm, but the fact he can't see nor guess what's going on is giving him a hard time.
"Stupid children of Dolash!" hisses Seth. "I will be back." His favourite line so far.

Double f***. Now he is left alone with a bunch of semi-hostile people thinking he is friend with that crazy dude.
"Jeonha... this demands emergency status and immediate interrogation", says a manly voice.
"Strengthen the defences on the Western Quarters, keep the Princes safe", replies LianBi in a clearly shaken tone.
"What about Concubine Yi, Jeonha?"
"Summon Yang and JunYin, tell them it's my order, they have to come..." Someone is seriously upset.
Bang-sul is not sure he wants to know what happened to scare LianBi so bad, but it must not have been a pleasant sight. One first good thing about being blind?
He gets grabbed and pushed against the wall, quite roughly. "Who was that?" asks the Emperor, in a mix of anger and worry.
He takes a few deep breath, hesitating a little to speak. Plus... well, when LianBi acts angry he gets totally petrified, especially when so close. "S-someone i... think I knew..." he says in a trembling tone.
LianBi takes the katana from his hands. "Why did it give this to you? How does he know you? Whose is this blood it's covering the whole sword?!"
Bang-sul covers his face with hands and starts to cry. Future Tero is such a crybaby while present one would rather tear off his eyes than let anyone see a single drop coming out of them. He is a little overwhelmed though. "Please..."
He jumps and sobs at his shouts. When a strategic doesn't work it doesn't work.
LianBi hits the wall with his hand, very close to the other's head. "You must tell me", he hisses.
"I need a moment", he sobs. "Just a moment..." Although those memories are 'unlocked' they are a total mess, spread among different dreams and a total chaos of unconnected events flashing in his mind like a storm.
"I NEED A MOMENT TO SORT MY MEMORIES!" he shouts, but in a desperate tone, rather than angrily. Then sobs again. "It's not so easy..."
Heart this
0 | Jan 7th 2019 03:54
Oold "I don't, so let me know..."
She decides to listen to Tero silently, without interrupting him in hope he manages to explain everything properly. "And this city...where is exactly? If we met these creatures, they could explain us more about him and why he was imprisoned there. Why you also ended up there...
We should find out more about Seth and if he is a God from Earth, that's where we have to begin." She glances at LianBi, then at Yang, unsure if they will want to come. And there they ended up being 9 people in a stolen car...
"No, he clearly is not a merciful God, but rather cruel and selfish."
Onibugi "I don't know much about Lemurians... I just know they are very ancient and have been inhabiting Earth since before the 'arrival' of humankind... but I know for sure they are good people, much better than human."
He nods, indeed agreeing that visiting the Lemurians would be wise. "Their city is underground. It has few accesses, from different parts of the world. Mount Shasta, in California, Black Mount, in Australia and... the South Pole. These are the only entrances I know of..." Quite big for a city.

LianBi. "Maybe not so selfish, he gifted him a sword." He motions Norihiko to hand the katana, which is still all dirty of blood. "What is the meaning of this weapon? Why did he give it to you?" he asks, placing it on the table.

He searches the scabbard with his hand, stopping by some engravings in Japanese. "It was mine... I had it with me in Lemuria and when I was sent back to the outer world. Human guards took it from me and never returned it. I thought it had gone lost in some auction." Haru, Haru.

Yang. "You want to go on Earth?"

LianBi. "We will go to Lemuria and demand for explanations. You will form my entourage." Since he guesses there is no way they would stay behind, better to take them with him so daddy can control kids to make sure they won't make mess.
Of course he thinks it will just be a quick visit to Lemuria, a tea with their leader and back home.
"We will head there as soon as ready." He is quite in a hurry to solve this matter as well.
Oold "If we go to Korea the closest is the Black Mount." But if LianBi likes the South Pole, she will not complain. "But we will be able to tell easily which is the right entrance?"
She recognizes the sword and blinks. "Daebak..." She hopes Seth didn't mention where the sword came from when he took it back :)))
She looks at Tero as LianBi asks him and tries to pretend she is not familiar with the sword...aehm.
She stands up and nods at LianBi. "We will find the people. I will start right away, bring only the few necessary people." She will try at least...

HyunKi raises his hand. "I will accompany Jeonha." And four we go...
Onibugi "Wouldn't it be possible to go straight in the location? Nobody has ever been in Australia or California?" Don't get your hopes high, Jeonha doesn't want any fun to be involved.

LianBi. "I will be able to reach the entrance without any difficulty, that's not a worry." Will contact a specific person of course.
He shakes his head. "Only us. Nobody else will be involved." Of course including HyunKi.
*This is for Lemuria. The 'trip' to Seoul is all another thing, they will return to Nortrig then leave again.

Oold She shakes her head. "No, I can only go in South Korea." But then she glances at Jeonha. "Problem solved.
Nobody else, fine. I am ready even now, if others are." Who would need to rest, she isn't tired enough to even consider to sleep.

HyunKi bows slightly. "I am ready. I will not take off the armor to go on Earth." Acting was never his thing, it was a miracle he wore human clothes on Earth, back then.