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alakazamlover4's Blog

Shards (oc god of mirrors, reflection, and glass)

Name: Shards
What they're the god/goddess of: Mirrors, Reflection and glass
Appearance: (what they look like): He is a young male, in the body of a young boy, but he carries some sort of mirror or reflective surface with him always, weather it be his glasses, or a physical object
Bio: (your characters backstory(again idk if we're going to rp this or if we still need it)): He has been around since...i dont know, mid greek? At some point, Noah (OC god of ice) Split his ice energy into another being to give him a break and it become Shards
Current age: (How old they really are and how old do they look like?): looks to be about 10 but is a couple thousand years old
Extra: (any extra information): He can summon mirrors from anywhere, and use them to teleport, communicate, or reflect attacks. He is still mastering his powers so they dont always respond.
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1 | 0 Comments | Jan 19th 2017 10:18

Noah ((OC god of ice and water))

Name: Noah
What they're the god/goddess of: Ice and water
Appearance: (what they look like): He is a young male but at a young age his god spirte was trapped in the body of a cyborg
Bio: (your characters backstory(again idk if we're going to rp this or if we still need it)): He has been around since the first ice age, but never really done much until he met the other "new gods" he is pretty chill but will fight if provoked, loves to have god rivals, but hates being teh butt of the joke
Current age: (How old they really are and how old do they look like?): looks to be about 16 but is a couple million years old
Extra: (any extra information): He is part cyborg, (later on he attains his true form again but not right away)
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0 | 0 Comments | Oct 13th 2016 20:04

Noah Fort ((Yokai watch))

Name: Noah fort
Yokai on hand:(when rp progresses i plan to get these ones, their some of my favorite) some sort of Jibayan form (does't matter which , i love most of them), a healer (still working out which one i like) situational yokai (Example, if fighting a whazzat, i would call flushback) and others progressing
Butler yokai: Whisper (can change if need be)
Yokai watch: Orginal (not model 0 the white one)
Bio: Im Noah Fort an while i'd LOVE to say my life is normal..its far from that! I put a coin in this werid machine one day and out came this werid white ghost, who popped a watch on my wriest, and now isee these things called yokai! i have to use my friends to stop them so they dont inspirte me or my friends! whe i beat a yokai, they usally give me their medal, so i can call for them if i need them
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0 | 3 Comments | Oct 10th 2016 00:29

Noah Sitori (Bakugan OC))

Name: Noah Sitori
Gender: Male
Bakugan attriupte: Wind
Ace bakugan: Harpious ((Also forms i made up for her))
Usal team: ventus Falconeer, Ventus dragonoid, Harpious
Stragy: He prefers to use his gate cards in perfect time with ability and counter abilties to win, he makes his oppenets think their winning, then he pulls out a surpraise and wins
Fears: His bakugan being sent to the doom demension
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0 | 0 Comments | Sep 4th 2016 00:45

Jerry (The cube of spirtes)

Name: Jerry Cobert

Age: (depends on the rp but usally) 16-21

Height: 5'7

Race: Spirte boy

Nationality: NA

Grade: NA

Relatives: No brothers but Lucas (The one on my blog as the amulet one) and henry are his best friends

Style: Classfied

Orientation: If you pick a fight with him, whatever, he'll kick your ass and walk away. However, hurt his have singed your death warrent

Significant body markings: He has a strange mark on his back of a dragon

Alignment: None of note

Powers/Abilities: In the cube he always wears, he can call forth an spirte he has befriened, and 'unify' with them, with this power, he'll become half himself, and half an achient sprite

Weaknesses: if his cube is taken, he is powerless

Favorite Class: NA

Favorite Teacher(s): NA

Club(s): NA

Crush/Steady: NA

Soundtrack: NA

Info: When he was young, he was digging in his sandbox, and found the cube, and thus the spirte of earth joined him, he also found a sword not long after, known as the spirte sword. With this sword, he can use it at anytime to infuse an element in it for a finishing or powerful attack. He does not tell many people of his power, but become his friend, he'll protect you like he's known you forever.. But try to take his cube, and his 'friends' wil have a phew words with you....
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1 | 0 Comments | May 23rd 2016 23:29