Jerry (The cube of spirtes)

Name: Jerry Cobert

Age: (depends on the rp but usally) 16-21

Height: 5'7

Race: Spirte boy

Nationality: NA

Grade: NA

Relatives: No brothers but Lucas (The one on my blog as the amulet one) and henry are his best friends

Style: Classfied

Orientation: If you pick a fight with him, whatever, he'll kick your ass and walk away. However, hurt his have singed your death warrent

Significant body markings: He has a strange mark on his back of a dragon

Alignment: None of note

Powers/Abilities: In the cube he always wears, he can call forth an spirte he has befriened, and 'unify' with them, with this power, he'll become half himself, and half an achient sprite

Weaknesses: if his cube is taken, he is powerless

Favorite Class: NA

Favorite Teacher(s): NA

Club(s): NA

Crush/Steady: NA

Soundtrack: NA

Info: When he was young, he was digging in his sandbox, and found the cube, and thus the spirte of earth joined him, he also found a sword not long after, known as the spirte sword. With this sword, he can use it at anytime to infuse an element in it for a finishing or powerful attack. He does not tell many people of his power, but become his friend, he'll protect you like he's known you forever.. But try to take his cube, and his 'friends' wil have a phew words with you....
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1 | May 23rd 2016 23:29