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Zenith's Blog


Rain's origins are rooted in mystery, such that even he himself can not recall. It is said that natural phenomena carries the will of God, but non believers have historically rejected this notion, choosing instead to cite their own trivial studies as tried and true. On the other hand, within their own communities exists a cult of extremists who view them as catalysts for paranormal anomalies, birthing a specter or yokai of sorts that corresponds with each season. Having come to know of his unworldly existence, the cult sought him out as a figure of worship, appropriately deeming him the specter of Rain due heavily to his first documented appearance being on the day a massive flood stole the lives of many. The name Rain specifically was chosen due to the hierarchy the cult established, one which states the weather most prominent in each season would all give rise to a specter, with the parent season bearing it's own as overseer. If proven true, this theory would place him as one of many siblings, all with unclear motivations. However, in modern times, it remains the foolish ideology of social outcasts.
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