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Tsundere's Blog


The girl with no name.. Well she has a name but thats what she likes to think. For a 16 year old girl she is pretty delusional so.. Yeah, she is a Chūnibyō and considered the 'weird kid' at school and started a club which nobody joined, it's a magic club for 'real magic'. She always has been well uh.. Pretty cringe if that's what you want to say, if she wasn't so weird and dressed like she was about to go into a dungeon or go to a cosplay convention she's actually pretty hot and cute and could possiably get a boyfriend or two, she likes to talk about anime and her other interests or hobbies but no one listens to her, no one wants to even look at her even though shes pretty nice, she doesn't really like going home that much so she just hangs out at the park thats near her house and sits on the swing, she's pretty lonely so.. Go say hi to her, maybe you'll learn some things about her and maybe you'll even learn her name, you could give her a nickname like Bat or Battie since she does have bat ear decorations as a hat.. Like elf ears but with bat wings, and she has a weird looking eyepatch that gets everyones attention, she has a different color eye and it's green and she likes to think it has healing powers, she also has a chain on her lip hip that she uses to attack 'monsters' but she doesn't use it unless she has to like when she goes on a journey by herself.
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6 | 0 Comments | Feb 25th 2021 13:14


Hikari is a girl just trying to survive in this cold.. Cold.. Wasteland, it's the apocalypse and everyone has gone crazy, theres a virus going around it's where if you look into anyone's (The monsters eyes) You will slowly turn into one of them, that's why you have to wear sunglasses because if u do and then look into the monsters eyes then you would turn into one, but sunglasses are rare to come across since they've been stolen by everyone, she found a VSS Vintorez on her scavenge and picked it up and put it in her backpack, but she doesn't have any ammo.. So if anyone has some give it to her! Also the world is on an island so no one can really get off and since the rednecks let loose they roam the roads and kill on sight, even if it's there own members, all Hikari is trying to do is get off the island and escape, maybe she will meet some friends along the way.
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7 | 0 Comments | Feb 25th 2021 13:05


Now hello there, I am your narrator for today, now Marilyn.. I've seen her before but she is a bit.. Off per se, she's always been the quiet but loud girl if that makes sense.. What I mean by loud is that she loves guns, she even brought one to school! (Wrong timing because something truly bad happend that day) It was a AR-15 Type gun, don't know the exact type though, anyway I believe her full name is Marilyn Walker and she is pretty nice and a decent regular human being but she has like a.. Well fetish for guns if you want to put it that way, if you wish to know more about her just talk to her, really she needs someone to talk to.
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4 | 0 Comments | Feb 25th 2021 12:56


Name: Scarlett Monroe

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Blood type: AB negative

Eye color: Yellow/Gold

Health conditions: Nystagmus, diabetes, mild tourettes

Habits: Fiddling with hair, tapping on desk or hard surface with nails

Addictions: Cigarettes/Smoking, Drinking beer, liquor

Personality: She's the type of gal that's cool to hang around with and is pretty loyal, she is genuinely pretty nice but can be mean and even rude at times but it is a rare but a bad or stressful day could trigger this

Backstory: She is a single girl that loves to go to clubs and she loves to party! She is an extrovert and loves people, she's pretty mean though and feels guilty at times but she just doesn't know how to cope or handle people because her parents used to beat her all the time, she lives alone and is pretty comfy but would prefer if she was with someone, she also loves kids alot but doesn't have any of her own, she also wears sunglasses alot because she has Nystagmus which make the eyes move on their on alot, so she is pretty embarrassed by it, the more you talk to her the more you learn.
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7 | 0 Comments | Feb 24th 2021 17:48


Charlie Adwins, the girl is barely an adult yet and is already fiddling with magic, she's 20 years old if you are wondering.. Why are you even reading this, maybe you'll ignore it... Your still here? Hm alright, since you are I shall explain some things about this girl, Charlie. She is a wannabe witch that sucks at magic, she's loved it for about a year and has finally tried to become a witch or even a mage, she made her own staff but doesn't even know how to use it.. Dummy am I right? Well not exactly, if she would just actually sit down and read a spellbook she could actually figure this whole magic stuff out, but shes impatient and has ADHD so she cant just sit in one place for along time or she might go bonkers! She can be patient but she has to force herself, she is a fairly normal girl and went to go live with her father, Adam Adwins, he is a pretty nice guy, but has a drinking problem and is kinda abusive to her, so this magic thing is like a getaway and a escape for her, she has other siblings but they live in another kingdom, so it's pretty lonely for her, if you talk to her you might be able to learn some things about her since she is private and doesn't share alot of things with people, well I wont be telling anymore, you'll just have to talk to her for yourself!
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9 | 1 Comment | Feb 21st 2021 14:04