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Tiao's Blog

Kung Fu Master

She eventually managed to find that Master Kim told her about, she had really little hopes to even just find her and it was really a big surprise that she even accepted to train her. She simply showed herself as she really is, humble, good hearted...

It is since a few weeks already that she is training hard with her, and one of the many afternoons out for training, she decides not to return to the palace yet and take a walk. She is still dressed like a man, not to take risks.
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2 | 15 Comments | Oct 9th 2017 16:51

Sneaking out

She is very interested in that master Lei told her about. She intends to go to look for her, but first, not wanting to take some useless risks, she starts to look for manly clothes to wear.

She decides to ask Lan for some, so she starts to look for her inside the palace.
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3 | 31 Comments | Oct 6th 2017 17:07

Hun Zin's son.

Persida really wants to find Hun Zin's son. It is true that they don't tag along well, but she finds the matter a lot more important than a bit of dislike.

She waits for Zhan before to to. She is outside the house and there she comes across Peng, telling her about where they are going.
Hearing that they are going in the East... "Can I come with you? I really need to do something there. I will pass unnoticed, I am not wanted..."
"Oh my...are you sure? You would have to wander alone, I don't like it..."
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2 | 86 Comments | Oct 3rd 2017 17:33

Embarassing the IA

Talking with Zhan and the others IA, it comes out that one person survived in their assult, her little brother is alive. Hearing of this, she prays them all to go to help him get out before he dies too.

Hun Zin, Siwang and Khai-Ming are, of course, a little reluctant. How could they enter the Imperial Prison and bring him out? Plus, they are all wanted in the East.
Peng Li gets an idea and shares it with them. Zhan and Persida are present too.
''Why don't you dress up as someone else?''
At her words Persida and Zhan look at each other with widen eyes. ''Dress up like women, yes!''
''Seems an awesome idea. Women going to visit their men in prison.'' Zhan says, smirking.
Siwang looks at them -_- ''Not even under torture.''
''No way.''
''Hell no!''
They don't even think about dressing up like women and go there. Suddenly though, they change their mind. Why? Zhan says... ''Maybe we should go to have a few words with the Captain.'' Looking at Siwang and Khai-Ming in particular.
''Give me that dress.'' Siwang and Khai-Ming says at the same time.

Persida goes to look for dresses, out in the town, and together with Zhan. Meanwhile, the poor three IA are left in the hands of Peng Li, which is going to be merciless.
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2 | 50 Comments | Oct 2nd 2017 14:32

Temple of Zimkesha

Well, she is in recovery, and day after day she gets stronger, also thanks to their help and care but she cannot help it, nothing could ease her pain on her loss, and definitely not the killers of her family.

She doesn't even manage to look at them, and she did not even try to befriend anyone of them. She keeps her distance most of the time, except when she has to argue with Khai-Ming.

She is very tired, and feels like imprisoned inside that house. When she deems it is the right moment, she goes out on her own, without warning anyone about it.
She covers herself well, since it is very cold and begins to walk. She likes the look of the place, the snow, even if it is so cold, and right now, she is not really appreciating the landscapes. She walks for a bit, on a street, until she comes across the temple of Zimkesha.
She decides to enter and pray a bit. She kneels on the ground in front of her statue, and without realizing it she remains there for an entire hour.

Right now, she is on her way back home, after two hours spent outside.
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2 | 50 Comments | Sep 30th 2017 09:21