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ThunderingEcho's Blog


Name- Asura

Age- 21

Height- 6

Species- Human

Hair color- Red

Eye color- Silver

Personality- Brash, slightly cocky, and quite stubborn, and not exactly the smartest but very compassionate and loyal to those he calls friends. Comes off as cold and a bit of an a**hole to those who don't know him.

Weaponry- His greatsword and a small dagger both carved from dragon bone. Intermediate with fire based magic. He is able to summon his greatsword as well as make it disappear until he needs it again and a similar fear can be done with his armor if he wants to wear something more light. Doing this requires little energy but cannot do it while too tired.

Weakness- Water and the cold quell his magic however he can hold his own without using magic. Since he is human he is entirely susceptible to mortal wounds

Bio- Asura grew up in a small shadow clan that had one amazing feat of taking down a massive fire dragon. The clan was small with only around 8 members. Due to the small size there was a ritual when everyone turned 16 they had to prove themselves worthy to stay. If someone didn't succeed they were cast out but without dishonor. Only stripped from the clan. When Asura turned 18 he slept in the woods nearby that night to clear his mind for the upcoming trial. He was ready for the trial but that morning instead of a trial he woke to his clan being dead all around him with no sign as to who killed them. Asura in that moment had something snap. He buried everyone with their gear and left the little village. He was already proficient in fire magic and swordplay so he figured he would drift around trying to find any clue to his clans death while finding other ways to occupy his time like taking bounty type jobs to keep him fed.
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1 | 0 Comments | Mar 21st 2024 00:08

Cal Riccon

Name- Cal

Sex- Male

Age- 21

Eye color- brown

Hair color- black

Hair style- about 5 inches in length with a wild style.

Personality- Tends to sort of keep to his own and cares deeply about those close to him, has a mindset some would call an extreme vigilante; he believes there is no redemption for most of not all criminals. He will act on this given the chance out in public but aside from that he likes to tend to his own.

Weaponry/abilities- Knows how to work on cars well, is somewhat good at lockpicking and is somewhat built. Trained by his father in using a knife in both combat and more practical uses.

Weaknesses- Can lose his temper easily and make him lose all composure, reacts based on emotions rather than logic sometimes.

Bio- Cal had a normal life growing up. He always worked on cars with his dad though and even dropped out of high school early on to follow his dream of opening a shop. At the age of 19 he opened up a small garage where he did small repairs. However outside of this he also is researching and reading about strange cults around the world. Something about it fascinated him.
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0 | 0 Comments | May 7th 2023 03:07


Name- Vale

Sex- Male

Age- 22

Eye color- blue but known to turn bright orange

Hair color- Dark brown almost black

Hair style- long and straight

Personality- Vale travels very often, so he has often times made conversations along the way wanting as much information as he could possibly get about his surroundings. He enjoys meeting new people however he can get a bit of a soft side with children. He acts almost entirely with his emotions sometimes which can make him a bit rash and impulsive. However he always means well to those around him.

Weaponry/abilities- Carries a small 9 inch dagger usually hidden away with a swirling glowing red stone at the base of the hilt. Vale had mastered his natural ability to control fire easily. Sealed within him is a demon captain of lightning, Pyke, who takes the form of a large black scaled snake
Because Pyke is sealed within Vale this gives Vale some level of Lightning magic as well though the two don't get along too well which makes for some pretty sloppy fighting techniques sometimes.

Weaknesses- As said before the demon Pyke lives within Vales soul. They're arguments can get them into slip ups and they don't get along too well making their fighting sometimes sloppy. However anger releases more demonic energy from Vale. He pulls if from Pyke the angrier he gets. Becoming too mad can put him in an irrational hyper-agressive state making him a huge threat to anyone around friend and foe alike. Although Vale has magical abilities he is still 100 percent human meaning he can still suffer fatal injuries relatively easily.

Bio- Vale grew up knowing all about magic. His parents helped train him. What no one knew was that a cult had stolen him as a meer child during the night and sealed a demon within him before putting him back in his home. The demon wouldn't be a problem until age 13 when he let loose some demonic power while training. This wild lash out cost him his parents lives. Their last gifts to him was a dagger and words of forgiveness. Vale ran after that making him a bounty that would be put up for murder. He now wanders the world training himself to be stronger and also searching for how Pyke came to be sealed within himself.
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1 | 0 Comments | May 6th 2023 22:41