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TheUndecided's Blog


Gender: Female (Packing optional)
Age: ???
Sexuality: (Bi/prefers women)

Delrana, or Del for short, was never meant to lead an army of the damned. She was a normal woman living a very normal and dull life. One day as she was going about her daily routine, she happened across a demon left over by some adventurer, left to bleed out. Feeling sympathy for the creature she attempts to help.

But being some girl from the country side, Del was far too naïve. Upon approaching, she was attacked, despite it's dying state it still had more than enough power to rip a mortal to shreds. Escaping certain death, Del crawled her way back to town, slowly feeling her blood boiling, her body changing. Then she blacked out.

Coming to consciousness sometime later, Del found herself surrounded by the death and destruction of the village she grew up in. Yet she felt no remorse, no grief. The only thing she felt was power, and it was intoxicating.
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0 | 0 Comments | Feb 27th 2024 10:09


Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Age: 35

Adrian grew up in the lap of luxury; he was heir to the throne, set to take the responsibility upon his father's death. He studied and trained hard his whole life, waking up tired and sore, only to go to bed covered in cuts and bruises from training. Yet, he still got anything he wanted; A luxurious room, dozens upon dozens of master crafter weapons, any woman in the land that he wanted.

His life could be seen as perfect, at least until a neighboring country attacked. Adrian's defeat was brutal and swift, his kingdom falling within weeks. Adrian expected that he would be executed. Yet this never came to be. He was given an offer: Execution, or use his impressive abilities to serve his new king. Choosing life over death, Adrian now serves as an assassin for the invading army. The Prince the people once loved was now their stalker, judge and executioner.
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1 | 0 Comments | Feb 27th 2024 09:18