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TheSilentProtagonist's Blog


Name: Folan
Age: 21
Height: 5'8"
Species: Werewolf
Apperance: Smaller and thinner than most wolves due to a tough childhood. His hair is silver with white underneath and is soft like fur. He also has large green eyes that makes him look even more like a puppy, though he is far from innocent.
Personality: Quiet and passive, Folan is a submissive wolf. He is often lonely and likes being with large groups of people and friends. Though his demeanor and appearance makes him seem harmless, he in surprisingly strong and has a strong dislike for people who act stronger than they really are. He stands up for the weak and honors those with noble personalities and uses their power for good.
Background: With a terrible father at home, his mother sent him and his older brother Eric away in the hopes that some distant family members could take them in. When he and his brother arrived, they were not welcome and Eric took charge, promising to take care of Folan. For four years they wandered, doing odd jobs for food or money, figuring it would be better than returning home. Folan was a pack wolf though and only being around his brother was difficult for him. After so long the two of them had a falling out and Folan left to join a guild where he gained an education and was taught how to best balance his abilities as a werewolf. He hasn't had any communication with his brother since, being somewhat cold and bitter towards him.
Clothes: Folan doesn't buy anything particularly expensive, his years on the streets taught him to be frugal and that has transitioned into his daily life. Nothing about his dress really makes him stand out.
Love Language: Folan needs words of affirmation and quality time to open up. He often shows his love as well by spending time doing the things that the other person enjoys doing and brings gifts to them often.

Recommended Genres: Adventure, Romance, Fantasy
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3 | 0 Comments | Jan 25th 2018 11:44


Name: Thomas Ryuu
Age: 21
Height: 5'10"
Species: Dragon
Personality: A bit of a tease and cocky at first when he meets people. After speaking with him though many have found him to be a kind a selfless person who wants to protect those around him. A diligent worker though he's not always perfect, he strives to do whatever he thinks is best for himself and those he cares about. Dig a little deeper and you can find he's a bit shy about being in the center of attention and his caring front comes from a desire for a lasting connection with others he's been missing for a good part of his life.
Background: Thomas was raised by his brother from a young age since their mother died in childbirth and their father grew distant after the loss of his wife. Selfish while growing up, he tried to hog his brother's attention when it was needed elsewhere since he was lonely. This selfish attitude continued until his teens when he realized the damage it was causing and that he needed to stop focusing so much on himself. It took time, trial, and error, but Thomas slowly began to focus on others and their needs instead of his own wants. He developed a love for serving others and protecting those weaker than he was which led to him having a more fulfilling life though he still feels something missing in his heart.
Clothes: Half Japanese, he wears a kimono top and pants that are good for exploring in. Usually carrying a sword or a series of daggers he's made. At home he'll usually have soot on his face from working in the smith shop whenever he can.
Love Language: Thomas shows his affection mostly through gifts. A very skilled blacksmith, he makes everything from weapons to small charms for those he likes. He'll also offer to buy anything for people he loves no matter the price, which means he's often broke. He sincerely enjoys recieving gifts in return, but spending quality time with him is the fastest way to his heart.

Recommended Genres: Adventure, Romance, Slice of Life
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1 | 0 Comments | Jan 13th 2018 15:24


Name: Mayumi Louise Ryuu
Age: 19
Height: 5'6"
Species: Half Angel-Half Demon
Apperance: Tall and slender with light skin and dark brown hair. All her features are long and elegant, making her movements refined and smooth. Her most notable feature are her vibrant violet eyes that glow red when she is using certain spells. On her back is a pair of dusty gray wings with a huge wingspan that looks like a feathered cloak around her when folded.
Personality: Quiet and a little shy, but extremely intelligent. She often watches others in the hopes of learning more about the world around her, but is a little too timid to join in with whatever is going on. She has a strong sense of duty to her family and friends though and is always finding ways to help them. A big shortcoming for her is her stubbornness and will to finish what she has started. Even if that means sacrificing food and sleep. Keep an eye on her when she's becoming too focused on a project.
Background: Oldest daughter of Thomas and Katherine (if relevant to RP) and a Magician dedicated to her craft. Her powerful mixture of angel and demon blood unlocks endless avenues to what new spells she can create and she wants to learn and understand them all. She was afraid for a long time to use her powers after an incident where she nearly killed her little sister, but has since been forgiven by her sister and forgiven herself. She is now making up for lost time and trying to understand the properties of both light and dark magic and how she can best use it for good.
Clothes: Usually wearing a dark purple magician's robe with her hair pinned back so it's not in her way. (She keeps saying that she needs to cut it, but just never has the time). She wears simple slippers while in her home, but has normal shoes for her rare trips outside.
Love Language: Take a sincere interest in what she is doing and gently pull her towards new experiences. She'll be glad you did in the end. She'll express her own love for you by putting aside her work to help you and will also make gifts.

Recommended Genres: Romance, Adventure, School Romance, Slice of Life
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2 | 0 Comments | Jan 13th 2018 12:29


Name: Lillith
Age: 19
Height: 5'4"
Hair: Long blonde and curly
Eyes: Green

Background: Lillith grew up in the city with her parents, her father a carpenter and her mother a lawyer. She knew both the blue collar and white collar side of things because of that. Though her parents loved each other, they were often apart due to work and couldn't agree on what they wanted for their daughter's future. Finally, she decided to move out and live on her own partly to live the life she wants, and partly to get away from her abusive ex-boyfriend. She doesn't talk about him very much unless pushed for answers.

Personality: Lillith is strong willed and hardworking. She will do anything that she puts her mind to and isn't one to make rash decisions. However, sometimes she can be a bit of a ditz and slow to catch onto things.

Recommended Genres: Slice of Life, Romance, Comedy, Drama
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0 | 0 Comments | Dec 19th 2017 12:54


Name: Jasmine
Age: 23
Race: Angel
Height: 5'7"

Family: (Permanent) Mother and Father currently not in contact with
(Depending on Roleplay) Husband Joseph, Children Melody, Jason, William, and Rebecca

Ability: Healing, Purification, Magic Barriers

Gift Ideas: Medicinal Herbs, Jewelery, Makeup
Liked Foods: Fried rice, shiitake mushrooms, teriyaki chicken, Angel food cake

Personality: Jasmine is a very quiet and reserved woman, not one to express her true feelings very often. She can keep a calm and polite attitude if the need calls for it, but she can be stern when someone refuses to cooperate.

Background: Jasmine grew up as an outcast from her peers and family because her wings were abnormally small. So small that she couldn't fly. By the time she was seventeen, she was disowned by her parents due to social pressure. She left to live with humans in the hopes of finding acceptance. She keeps her small wings hidden, so many don't even know she is an angel. Her dream is to raise a family of her own, promising to never hurt her children the way she was hurt.

Recommended Genres: Romance, Family, Slice of Life, Fantasy
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4 | 0 Comments | Dec 12th 2017 22:49