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TheRogue's Blog

Tarryn Blacksail - The Elder Scrolls Inpired

Name - - Tarryn Blacksail

Race - - Breton

Age - - 76 (Physically looks 25)

Height - - 6 foot, 2 inches

Class - - Rogue

Profession - - Vampire Hunter/Archer

Background - - Tarryn, a native of High Rock, ventured to Skyrim seeking adventure and to master his skills with the bow. His pale skin and striking red eyes mark his vampirism, an affliction he manages with an unusual discipline, only feeding on the blood of those who seek to harm him.

Alignment - - Chaotic Neutral

Attributes - -
- Strength - 12
- Dexterity - 18 (Exceptional agility, honed through years of archery and stealth)
- Constitution - 13 (Enhanced by vampiric endurance)
- Intelligence - 14 (Cunning and resourceful)
- Wisdom - 12 (A keen survival instinct)
- Charisma - 10 (Intimidating presence due to vampirism)

Skills - -
- Archery - Master (His primary form of attack, deadly and precise)
- Sneak - Expert (Able to move silently and unseen)
- Lockpicking - Proficient (Able to bypass many locks)
- Alchemy - Intermediate (Knowledgeable in creating potions and poisons)
- Light Armor - Expert (Skilled in maneuvering with minimal encumbrance)

Equipment - -
- Bow - A finely crafted Skyrim bow with ebony arrows.
- Armor - Leather armor lined with fur, optimized for mobility and protection from the cold.
- Cloak - A fur-lined hooded cloak, aiding in stealth and survival in harsh climates.
- Miscellaneous - Thieves' tools, alchemical supplies for potions, and a small collection of valuable trinkets acquired on his travels.

Abilities - -
- Vampiric Drain - Can drain the blood of enemies in combat, restoring his own health.
- Night Vision - - His vampire sight allows him to see in the dark.
- Animal Kinship - - Possesses a connection with nocturnal creatures, which sometimes aid him.

Personality - - Tarryn is solitary and brooding, owing to his vampiric nature. He has a strong sense of personal honor and adheres to his own moral code. While not evil, he is ruthless with his enemies.

Goals - - To find a cure for his vampirism without sacrificing his powers, and to rid Skyrim of any malevolent force that threatens the balance of nature and society.
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