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Stolas's Blog

+ Coração e pensamentos +

((Esta é minha tentativa para escrever uma biografia em portugues brasileira - sinto muito. Estou aprendendo o idioma em minha universidade há um semestre e quero praticar com isto durante minha férias de inverno. Quero escrever uma história cuerta logo.))

Ola meus amigos, meu nome é Dino - sou um escritor transgênero masculino que estava escrevendo há oito anos. Eu amo muito as séries de Helluva Boss, especialmente o Stolas - ele é o melhor pai pássaro. Por que este, fiz uma conta dedicada para ele e as aventuras, romances, e tragédias de seu.

Este é um trabalho em progresso~! Tchau bem!
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0 | 0 Comments | Dec 30th 2023 01:21

+ Wings Wouldn't Help You + {Stolas}


~ Basic Information ~
Name: Stolas
Title: “The Great Prince of Hell”.
Species: Demon (Specifically of the Ars Goetia lineage)
Age: Canonically around 30, but this will vary depending on the roleplay
Gender: Either a Cis-Male or FtM
Sexuality: Homosexual
Occupation: Prince of the Ars Goetia
Height: 10’2” (Only about 6’6” in his human form)


~ Personality ~
Likes: Spending time with his daughter, soap operas, star-gazing, tending to his plants, reading educational texts, teaching others.
Dislikes: Blatant historical inaccuracies, the taste of strong liquor, any kind of yelling, his wife’s insults, seafood.
Favorite Food: Roasted Mice - especially if they come on a tiny stick.
Greatest Fear(s): To lose his daughter, Octavia, and to spend his life pretending to be someone he’s not.
Greatest Wish(s): To find the strength to divorce his wife
Positive Traits: Flamboyant, eccentric, loyal, protective, dramatic, giddy, nonchalant
Negative Traits: Irresponsible, oblivious of others emotions, has difficulty expressing himself


~ Appearance(s) ~
Typical: In normal settings, Stolas appears as an incredibly tall and slender owl, most of his height coming from his twig-like legs. His body is covered in a thick, well-preened layer of grey and black feathers which are particularly unruly on his chest, shoulders and head. Accompanying his heart-shaped face are two sets of glowing red eyes, their pupils only becoming visible when he is excited, or feeling a similarly strong emotion. Possessing a lengthy tail, but lacking wings in this form, he instead has four-fingered hands and bird-like feet, each tipped with particularly sharp talons.
Human: In this form, Stolas appears as a particularly attractive white male in his early 30’s, his whole body still rather slender, and his appendages notably long. His hair is fully greyed except for a lighter strip that follows the center of his head.
Demonic Transformation: *To be added later*


~ Additional Details ~
Notable Talents: Ontop of being highly adept at spellcasting, Stolas is a truly jaw-dropping singer and artist, though those skills are rarely displayed outside of his daughter’s presence.
Interests: Stolas, simply put, knows a sh*t ton about a lot. His primary areas of specialty are botany and astronomy, however, with a considerable number of books in his personal library being dedicated to these subjects.
Most Valuable Possession: Easily, that would be his Grimoire, an arcane tome filled to the brim with particularly powerful spells. Curiously, he only seems to need it for maintaining appearances during festivals now, having mastered its most critical spells already.
Pets: Plants. A f*** ton of plants.


*More to be added*
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0 | 0 Comments | Dec 26th 2023 02:11