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Seduction's Blog


Mai likes theme parks and doesn't like falling in love. She often spends her free time lounging and reading classic literature. Snow falling soundlessly in the middle of the night always seems to be the most therapeutic for Mai

Mai is rebellious, but isn't fond of partying. Some see her as unsentimental but don't be mistaken-- for you can catch her in a vulnerable state if you are lucky.

Mai was in foster care most of her childhood which caused her to grieve on her own and keep personal matters to herself.

Mai has no fears. She has been through hells raging fires, it's lonesome dreary roads, endless torment, the painfully loud cries, and fury of those who lost their battle. They were not spared and are completely separated from God. As soon as she found the Light, her family was nowhere in sight but God himself. He greeted her with wings.

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5 | 1 Comment | Jun 16th 2022 10:21