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Comments for SYCOPHANT

MOMOKU ooohhh good spot.
i never asked. do you like your ring?
MOMOKU Theodore?. Omg, that is so cute!
Where are you going to put it?
what if i end up buying another engagement ring?
MOMOKU I thought the teddy bear was cute hehe.
Tonight is to us and our love. <3
I love you. So, so damn much that it
makes me want to propose again.
MOMOKU It's not much but happy valentine's day, my love.
Not only is this a special lovers day but today
marks out first year of officially being one.
The best part is, we are not experiencing this
day as boyfriends but as fiances and it makes
me the happiest still being reminded that.

Happy Valentine's day, Cassius J. Rouge
and happy one year together.

- Your Minnie <3
SPOILER bet it feels so nice to say almost husband!!
SPOILER i’m staying safe, i promise !!!
oh oh ! can i come then?! bring your kid to work day!!!
MOMOKU That's not fair D: Sometimes I can't help it and I don't even try but it just happens. Are you going to punish me for that as well?. No need to roast my skills like that. You need to hurry up and come take care of me or I will have to face the consequences. Which will be horrible, though.
SPOILER proud of me (*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)♡
i’m okay !!! i have just been driving and practicing a lot !
how about you, hyung?!
MOMOKU u.u you are being rude. you want to
silence me so explain to me why I
should listen to you and not finish
before you get home?. what will you
do if I do finish without you?.
MOMOKU Hey, you don't like the idea of me taking care of myself, so that is why I told you u.u but...are you really going to silent your notifications ;-; that is so mean. Guess your pillow is going to have more fun than you.
They looked at you because they are just jealous that you came to see me and not them.