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Comments for Roleplaywitch

Shade2465 "Excuse me what were you doing" Crimson asked before she drained the bear
Shade2465 Crimson stayed out of her cottage she had drained a bear putting some of the blood in a bottle so she would have some for later. She went back to her cottage when she was done
Shade2465 Crimson left her cottage to get herself some animal blood she could easily kill a human but didn't want humans to know about her existence too soon but they would some day she liked having a vampire servant work around her cottage.
Shade2465 (Was my first post good)
Shade2465 (I'll rp but if I stop responding I fell asleep)

Crimson was a 15 year old vampire who could care less about Christmas she didn't live near humans she lived in the woods. She never left her woods unless she needed to.

(Sorry if this is bad)
Shade2465 Good starter I dont post too much but ill try
Shade2465 If you want one i won't stop you and I heart vampires
Shade2465 Nice I just go with the flow of rps
Shade2465 Could you tell me about your vampire?
Shade2465 If your okay with that I check my email about every 10 minutes so I'd know if you sent me a message