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PhoneCall's Blog

Osmal Medeen (Modern Normal Backstory)

Basic Information:
Name- Osmal Medeen
Gender- Male
Age- 21-24

Osmal and his family were not forced to leave their home but chose to take up the long tradition of venturing far away in a attempt for gold and glory. Growing up his father attempted to impress on him the need to be able to learn even if schooling results were not ideal. Independence and the ability to stand alone were drilled into him.

By the time he was a adult his family was now quite successful and had numerous small businesses under their control. Wanting to allow him to grow and learn more he has been given a certain budget to maintain himself and to be able to learn more. Osmal is beyond grateful for this chance but is incredibly uncertain about what his next steps should be.
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2 | 0 Comments | Dec 8th 2023 05:15


Above all let us keep OOC and IC seperate from each other. This is especially the case when it comes to respect and understanding with each other. Our characters may have whatever relationship but we are both working together to create a creative work.

1. Please do not message IC to me. I believe that it is crucial to have a OOC conversation about what is wanted and also to work out what type of roleplay is wished for.

2. The age of the author and the characters that are involved should remain above the age of 18. This includes the physical descriptions of the character. Regardless of their age they should have the body of above the age of 18 and be a adult.

3. I try to get replies out every couple of days. If there will be a extend absence or a problem I will attempt to contact active roleplays and post a status. Working full time along with heavy study means that sometimes I will be unable to get replies out as quickly as I would like.

4. My timezone changes due to the nature of my work. Often I am on the Australian or New Zealand timezone. Occasionally I will be on American times.

5. I am not interested in going off the site to communicate or roleplay.
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2 | 0 Comments | Dec 8th 2023 04:59