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Oxpecker1-4's Blog

Regarding Shadow Bans...

I was shadow banned from this site once before, and I have reason to suspect that this will happen again. If you still wish to contact me after the fact, email me at:
[email protected]

If discord is your cup of tea, then my tag is:

Be sure to let me know who you are and what your business is in your first message, otherwise I will probably just throw it out the window.
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0 | 0 Comments | Nov 25th 2020 09:15

Dima's Book of Rules

Dima's Book of Rules

Здравствуйте, друзя. So you've gotten past reading my profile (I hope) and are interested in starting a roleplay with me. That's great. In that case, this is where you look so you can get an idea of where to start with me, so here I lay down the groundwork for how I operate.

I'm typically the one handling the setting and story, and players have a hand in what direction the story will go. Though if none of my roleplay series' suit your fancy, I am open to most forms of roleplay as long as I have the proper time to prepare.

I have a small selection of universes that you can pick from. Their importance is higher the closer they are to the top.

The Private Conflict - A military simulation where the player has a choice between five PMC factions in a world where non-human and super-human entities walk among the public, mostly free of persecution. However, a secretive organization threatens the integrity of your unit, your faction, and as a result, your world. Apart from being action-heavy, The Private Conflict is also a social simulation, meaning a large part of the story revolves around the player's interaction with members of their platoon.
Note: Players who haven't tried something like this find themselves pleasantly surprised and, who knows, you might too.

Project Pripyat - A survival horror story set in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. The player is a survivor, either stranded in the zone or there by their own choice, forced to traverse a hostile environment full of mutant wildlife and hostile forces. This story captures the epitome of Eastern European horror, using liminal spaces and fear of the unknown to their full effect. Удачи, странники.

Falling Sun (Discontinued) - A crime drama with action sequences set in Japan. One of the largest crime organizations in Tokyo has seized most of Japan in a sea of corruption. The player is a part of the vigilante gang: Yokai 10. Their job is simple: Hit the mafia’s assets throughout the country such as banks, smuggling ships, and nightclubs. All an effort to cripple the Yamagishi Family's grasp on the nation. 

More series' pending...

-I don't ask for much from other players other than respect my guidelines and respond with some amount of effort.
-I often use music to convey scenes and give the player an emotion to feel. Know what to expect when you get a youtube link.
-Respect goes both ways. You be cool, and I'll be cool. Simple as that.
-Let's be friends. This one isn't mandatory, but proceedings are nicer if we see eye-to-eye. I'm a person and so are you so let's get to know each other's peaks and valleys, yes?
-You will not god mod and get away with it. Any attempt without specific exemptions will be met with an unfriend.
-Never make assumptions in the roleplay. It could mean life or death for your character, and depending on which roleplay we're playing, I don't pull punches.
-Don't get political with me. I get flak from the 'judicially gifted' for my occupation and the patriotic for my nationality and the language I speak, and that's not what I need here.
-Gary Stus and Mary Sues are not welcome. Go play "My Immortal" somewhere else.
-I'm alright with romance. However, I will only allow it to happen if it pertains to the plot, or we're playing The Private Conflict where it's optional.
-Absolutely no ERP unless authorized. Even then, the chances are next to none. If you are under 18, your chances are zero. If you can't accept this, then I'm going to have to politely ask you to go f*** yourself.

If you have any questions regarding my rules or any other concerns regarding this blog, ask me directly. Otherwise, I appreciate you for taking the time to read this word vomit, and I hope we can get to work soon. Хорошого дня, парени.
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2 | 0 Comments | Nov 25th 2020 06:33