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Orchid_Dust's Blog

Nathaniel Hyun☆.。₀

General Info

Name: Nathaniel Hyun
Nickname: Nat, Nathan.
Gender: Male.
Age: 24


Height: 6’3
Weight: 180
Hair: Black shaggy hair with a blonde underside.
Skin: Fair skin that tans well in the summer.
Eyes: Grey
Clothing: baggy and comfortable clothes. Nothing fancier than jeans and a tshirt.


Temperament: Relaxed, Well-mannered, and Unflinching. He comes off brooding and quiet, is not very social, and only interacts with his circle of people. Not big on causing scenes unless when he's playing his guitar.
Moral/ethical beliefs: Though quite calm, tends to be known to get into fights to defend those he believes need it.
Hobbies: writing music and lyrics, guitar, gothic literature.
Habits: Tends to tap his fingers against any available surface when in thought or when he's being impatient.
Quirks/eccentricities: Carries a marble from his childhood in his pocket for good luck.
Likes: Music, good meat, rain, and when people play with his hair..
Dislikes: Being used as a therapist, liars, and cheaters.
Fears: Losing the love for music once it becomes less of a hobby and more of a career.
Strengths: Did track in his school so he's a pretty good runner.
Weaknesses: Comes off as if he could not care less and can trust too easily..
Hopes and desires: Wishes to play music professionally, hoping to soon get recognized for his talent.
Occupation: In between odd jobs.
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5 | 1 Comment | Apr 30th 2022 17:20

Rhysand Sarralle ☆.。₀

General Info

Name: Rhysand Sarralle
Nickname: Rhys
Gender: Male
Race: Half beat

Height: 5’10
Weight: 135
Hair: Black shaggy hair, that he keeps short and cuts himself
Skin: Fair skin that tans a bit in the summer
Distinguishing marks: Skin turns an almost midnight black up to his forearms and his hands turn to claws once every few months.
Eyes: Green.
Clothing: Dresses in dark clothing, making sure to wear gloves to cover the change from hands to claws. Often is seen wearing a cloak and a wide brim hat.


Temperament: Very melancholic, a very organized and calm individual that doesn’t jump to conclusions. Is very cautious in letting others into his own private life.
Hobbies: A spellcaster and a healer who enjoys perfecting and creating new brews and spells, ancient books of forgotten knowledge are one of his favorite reads. Herbology and collecting specimens are also one of his favorite past times as well as baking.
Habits: Very isolating.
Quirks/eccentricities: Once every few months sifts into a half-beast form, but as he ages, the transformation progresses and spreads turning him more beast-like.
Likes: Herbs, tea, liquor, and the fey
Dislikes: Instand violence, when he’s talked over, people who scam by pretending to be healers.
Fears: To fully become a beat and lose control of his humanity, be alone and forever wandering the forests.
Strengths: A brilliant spell caster and healer.
Weaknesses: Overuse of magic causes him to turn to beast sooner, causing him to be in pain and lose a bit of himself.
Occupation: Local witch and healer.
Skills: Magic, summoning, healing, knowledge of many languages, baking, potion brewing.
Half beast

Early life: His mother was a local witch and his father was a beast shifter. His birth was something new to the world, a half-beast half magic baby. His family was known in their small town and they were loved and so was he.

Middle: His mother has gotten sick with a local plague and is barely able to try and find some sort of magic cure, but with her strength weakening she soon passed. His father got lost in madness, he tried everything to help his son and wife but the loss of his dear wife left his broken heart. One night Rhys has left his bed to see his father gone, with just the shadow of a beast living their small house in the woods. He never saw his father again, but he never resented or hated him, the town helped him to grow into a fine young man with much knowledge of the magic and the beast.

Adult: He now works from home on commission for anyone that needs help, to cure or assist as many people as he can. Though once in a while he shuts away and turns into what his father could do on command but he does not know how to control it.

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4 | 0 Comments | Jun 29th 2021 18:57

Falon Dale ☆.。₀

Name: Falon Dale
Gender: Female
Race: White
Age: 19
Height: 5’7
Weight: 120
Hair: Wavey fluffy short brown hair that almost reaches the shoulders.
Skin: Pale skin that in bright sunlight almost looks like it reflects the light
Distinguishing marks: Two moles, one under her right eye and one right by the inner corner
Eyes: Green, always seeming sad or down
Clothing: Grunge
Temperament: Can be a bit impulsive when it comes to small trinkets. Carries an air of free mystery that can not be trapped by anything
Hobbies: Writing and reading classic gothic literature.
Habits: A stress smoker on rare occasions, but when things just are a lil stressful picking her cuticles.
Quirks/eccentricities: Forgetting to breathe when being very concentrated or lost in thought. Noticeable sometimes when she takes a deep breath outta nowhere.
Likes: Trying new food, pouring rain, big dogs, leather boots, anything with a little bit of darkness, true crime.
Dislikes: Horses, geese, mouth breathers, overly crowded spaces.
Fears: Deep waters
Strengths: Quick thinker and extremely realistic
Weaknesses: Overthinker that can cause paranoia. Cant stand ground when people are speaking over her. Want to do things herself and usually never asks for help.
Hopes and desires: Wanting to be happy and failed, with a job that doesn’t drain but pays enough to enjoy self.
Occupation: An assistant at a magazine company.
Skills: Archery, skating, and learning to rollerskate, flexibility.
Early life: Grew up in a big city with her mother and father, doing gymnastics as a hobby. At the age of five, her parents divorced and she moved to the suburbs with her Father where she continued doing gymnastics. Every summer she went to her mother’s back in the city, where she saw boyfriends come and go, but it didn’t bother her much because her father already found someone so her mother finding a partner was inevitable.

Middle: The summer before middle school her mother took her to a lake. Her boyfriend Derek thought it would be a funny idea to pick her up and toss her into the lake. In one moment she was safely on the grown and in the next she was surrounded by cold dark water, as panic rushed through her self she gasped and tried to swim up. Coughing and shaking she made it onto dry land where her mother was smiling a crooked sorry smile. Derek apologized but the moment stuck with Falon. Middle school was the time of self-discovery and friends and Falon had both, she quit gymnastics after it became too competitive for her and took up skating.
High school is where she grew into herself, stood tall and confident. Her eyes carried a sense of mystery and sadness, but it just gave her character. She loved and fell out of life with others and herself but as the school years came to an end she was happy with herself. Her father and mother both married different people and she continued living with her dad.

Adult: As an adult, she’s attending a community college not sure for what major, but on the side is working as an assistant at a magazine company. The salary allowed her to move out and rent a studio apartment, a space of her own.

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4 | 1 Comment | May 4th 2021 23:17