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N0NAM3's Blog

Name: Elysium Teroat
Nickname: Ellie, L
Age: 23
Birthday: October 10th

Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Education: BSN (Bachelors in Science of Nursing)
Fears: The ocean
Loves: Tattoos, Coffee, and a good nap

Abilities: Gravity Manipulation (Within a certain radius
Weaknesses: Underestimates herself, and she's not immortal of course!

Short backstory:
Ellie was one of the few fortunate enough to be born with super powers, or at.least thats what they told her parents. Years of tests and studies, never a moment of privacy, and plans for her future before her life ever began. That all changed when her mother lost her mind, saying how she had birthed a monster. With her sanity went her rights, and her control over her daughter, who then refused any more studies, any more tests. She wanted to be a nurse, to help people and to improve people's lives.
But, every city she went to, they would find her and harass her. Her power was too strong, they needed to copy it...or contain it.
An older woman took her in, taught her how to run from them, and when the time came, told her of all the corruption they were full of. She taught L a new way to make money; Tracking down the criminals with powers, to stop each before they got a hold of even one.
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