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MixAndMatch's Blog

004 [TW]

Ki'nai is a remarkable human born with the ability to regenerate rapidly, even if he were to stop breathing he would return as if he was never injured. Born a twin... but his brother was stillborn, he often thinks the spirit of his unborn sibling is keeping him alive. Perhaps for a greater purpose? Or as a punishment? He is uncertain... He can also choose to float as if he were swimming in water, but this doesn't last long due to lack of training it.
Looks lean and scrawny but has more strength than it appears, through his teen years having kept himself in shape to be able to defend himself from any wanting to 'test' his ability.

Due to his ability being discovered early on by his drunk and abusive father, he suffered greatly through his childhood. After being taken away at age 12 by social services, his life seemed to turn around. He found a new family who accepted him and helped keep his abilities secret. To keep himself hidden he also found solace in dressing in more feminine clothes, often with patterns and shapes similar to jellyfish. He has an odd admiration for the Turritopsis Dohrnii especially (also known as Medusa the Immortal Jellyfish)
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2 | 0 Comments | Jan 2nd 2023 19:30


Moria is a plucky young scientist with an avid curiosity... she almost comes across as naive but is more in touch than you'd think. She is often quite blunt and often doesn't realise how she sounds until she's spoken.
In a world of bizarre mutations, hers is pretty mild... being that she has the ears of a horse and her hair can never be short, always sporting a long ponytail. Attempts to remove the hair are only successful for a few hours before its back to full length. She also has incredible jump height and stamina along with an odd craving for chewing hay, never ingesting it however... only chewing.

Can be played as a leading scientist or assistant. Gender can also be changed for the roleplay too.
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2 | 0 Comments | Jan 2nd 2023 19:16


Thanks to @Disturbance for helping think out this character.

This fair stoat-lady is the product of a sudden nuclear winter, she doesn't remember who she was before the blast... all she knows is her settlement. The settlement has two major parts, the surface/dome and the Underwealth. The surface is the remains of a village which is gradually expanding and being rebuilt with scrap and parts around the wastes. Above is a large dome-like field which protects from acid rain and potential predators. Only mutants live on the surface as they are immune to the radiation. The Underwealth is where most of those who can't last long in radiation live, some are humans who survived the blast while others were born down there and know nothing of the surface.

This characters role in her community is scouting and rescuing. Due to her stoat-like counterpart, she is fearless when it comes to potential predators, she'll happily fight anything no matter what size it is. She stays out of trouble where possible though, tending to scurry and sprint under structures rather than out in the open. She'll fight if she has to though.
She wants nothing more than to help others back to the settlement so they are safe, but this can lead to her being quite gullible and occasionally inviting back the wrong kind of company.
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4 | 0 Comments | Jun 18th 2022 07:58


How do I describe this guy... he's like a cyberpunk cowboy bounty hunter in my mind. Thinking the two extra limbs are not genetic but instead robotic. Possibly part cyborg? Likely has eye implants that connect to his visor to allow him to do extra shiz like search things on the fly or track enemies to shoot. Lower legs are also mostly robotic, possible traumatic injury that lead to requiring prosthetics? Likely not the original ones from the time, custom made.
Can't fly as the wings in the back are just part of his shawl, but perhaps can use them to glide? Slow his fall at least?

Favoured weapons are pistols and whips. Classic cowboy aesthetic but the stubbornness of using these weapons does set him back a tad against some opponents.
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0 | 0 Comments | Jun 18th 2022 06:14


So hi, this will be empty right now but I am hoping to make a little collection of characters in my blog and wanted to include a ease of finding things. So when I get round to the characters I'll add links to them here.
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2 | 0 Comments | Jun 18th 2022 06:09