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Miss_Snek's Blog

Vincent Ancel

Full Name: Vincent Marc Ancel
Nickname: Vince
Race: Vampire
Gender: Male
Age: 100+ (Depending on the Roleplay)
Birthday: 09/21
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 6'7
Weight: 190
Likes: Blood, Tea, Wine, Cats, Flowers, Bats
Dislikes: His Parents, Being Judged, Being Alone

Vincent is distant towards most people he meets. His social skills are lacking due to his birth parents. He stays cooped up in his room most of the time with his cat either reading or drinking tea. He is kind though to the people he does allow in and would do anything to protect them.

Vincent is very tall and lanky. He has ear-length blond hair that's usually messy. He had piercing red eyes. He is almost always dressed up even if there isn't an occasion as he likes the way suits look. His ears are pierced multiple times and he always has earrings in.
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0 | 0 Comments | Feb 25th 2021 15:29

Kan Tsumaki

Full Name: Kan Tsumaki
Nickname: Fox
Race: Kitsune
Gender: Male
Age: 3000+ (Depending on the Roleplay)
Birthday: Unknown
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 6'1
Weight: 175
Likes: Music, Nature, Children, Humans, Snow
Dislikes: Demons, Dogs, Rain, Evil

Kan is a kind and gentle man who only wants what's best for everyone. He likes to bring peace wherever he goes by creating music work his harp or flute. He has always been a giver and loves to help humans, children especially. He is very lonely however since his family shuns him for his fondness of humans.

Kan stands at 6'1. He is rather skinny. Most of the time he can be wearing a traditional Japanese kimono but if he has to go out in public, he will wear more modern clothes. He has piercing red eyes and longish black hair that he sometimes pulls back into a bun.
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0 | 0 Comments | Feb 25th 2021 15:23

Kaiden Taylor

Full Name: Kaiden James Taylor
Nickname: Kai, K, Jay
Gender: Male
Age: 17-23 (Depending on the Roleplay)
Birthday: 11/14
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 6'6
Weight: 205lbs
Likes: Animals, Videogames, Sweets, Soda, His Family
Dislikes: Vegetables, Jocks, Animal Abusers, Eating Meat
Hates: His Father

Kaiden was a bright and outgoing boy when he was younger. He'd help his mother with the cooking, his dad with his tasks around the house, and even his brother with his homework. He loved his family so much.

But that all changed after Daniel passed.

Kaiden grew into a distant and distrusting person. He began cooking all the meals, he couldn't help his father anymore since he was in jail, and he had no one to help with their homework. He stopped talking in school and most of the time could be found in his room or the animal shelter.

Kaiden has blue eyes and blue hair, that he dyed when he entered high school. He is very tall and often hits his head on doorways. He always appears to be in a bad mood.
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0 | 0 Comments | Feb 25th 2021 15:18

Astra Noble

Full Name: Astra Ryan Noble
Nickname: None
Gender: Male
Age: 17-23 (Depending on the Roleplay)
Birthday: 10/31
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 6'2
Weight: 190
Likes: Women, Music, Meat, Protecting Girls, Beer, Fighting
Dislikes: Perverted Men, Water, Heights, Dogs, Birds, His Father

Astra is a gentleman that believes all women should be respected. Although he likes teasing and flirting, he would never do anything more than that without consent. He enjoys having the occasional drink with his friends and meeting new people.

Astra has snow-white hair and piercing red eyes. His hair is tied back into a short ponytail. He is tall and muscular.
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0 | 0 Comments | Feb 25th 2021 15:10

River Pond

Full Name: River Lily Pond
Nickname: Riv
Gender: Female
Age: 17-23 (Depending on the Roleplay)
Birthday: May 18th
Sexuality: Panromantic Asexual
Height: 4'10
Weight: 100lbs
Likes: Animals, Sweets, Books, Helping People, Playing her Flute, Flowers, Children, Baking, Tea, Strawberries
Dislikes: Alcohol, Rude People, Being Teased, Spiders, Bloodshed, Thunderstorms, Coffee

River Pond is a kindhearted girl who enjoys spending time helping people. She treats everyone will respect and kindness and will go out of her way to help those in need. Although she is shy at first, she is more open around her loved ones and friends. She is timid but she will do anything for her family and friends.

River has short wavy black hair that is longer in the front. She has sparkling purple eyes that are full of kindness. She is a small person, standing at only 4'10.
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0 | 0 Comments | Feb 25th 2021 15:02