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Lovilya's Blog


1. The most important one, Don't send a one-line answer. I'd just drop the rp altogether.
I love details and I try to add as many as I can. They don't have to be novel length but, something.

2. Basic English please. English is not my first language so I get errors but please some basic English.

3. No minors, no inc*st, no weird kinks.

4. Please be respectful.

5. I don't do only sm*t based roleplays. It can have some, but not mainly that. It gets boring. I'm here for the plot

6. Don't control, don't assume anything about my character. I won't touch yours either.

7. Absolutely don't start a Convo in character. I hate it and find it annoying and disrespectful. I won't bother answering, I'll just delete.

8. We all have lives outside so I get a delay, more than a week without a notice gets you deleted.

9. I might be busy a lot. So I'll be active at night in my time zone. Don't bug me all the time to answer. I'll be as fast as possible.

10. If you add, you write first. If I add, I'll write first, as simple as that.

11. I enjoy detailing a plot before the rp, it's needs to be discussed before starting it.

12. Let's have fun (ㆁωㆁ)
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21 | 0 Comments | May 16th 2022 16:13