Zuri Was a painter she loved paint people and her surroundings even though she wasn't that good at drawing backgrounds she was still practicing to get better she began to start her journey in America for a while traveling all over the place and then eventually she ventured off into London and then she finally had enough money to make it to Japan she stayed there for a while she liked it there it was pretty nice and lovely she hoped to be able to go to Korea though soon or even the Philippines or Thailand or Finland she was so excited by all the possibilities she didn't know really where life was going to take her she just had a goal in mind for what she wanted to do she tried to either draw one person per country or draw one scenery for country she goes to she decided to do scenery and has been doing that since that day she wants to settle down somewhere soon because a lot of these countries are so lovely and maybe even open up a shop that's based around art and drawing perhaps even a little trinket making because she likes doing that too.
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