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Other Characters

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2 | 0 Comments | Jul 2nd 2020 14:40


1) Don’t add me if you only do one liners, semi or para. Like I ain’t interested in it so go take it somewhere else! My ideal writing length is MultiPara-Novella. I generally aim for 5-8 long paragraphs. 4-12 if they’re shorter in length.

2) I will often make new characters for role plays, however I may not be in the mood to do so.

3) If you add me, I’d appreciate if you had something in mind, even if it’s just a rough idea but of course you don’t need too. Adding to that, you add, you talk etc etc etc but also! I will generally try and create an idea or a few options if I’m the one who sent the request. But this becomes more difficult if you don’t let me chat to you beforehand and let me know what you like- Or if you’re a private account. I don’t know what your characters are going to be when I add, therefore it’s difficult to create a plot right away.... Especially if you’re also unco-operative.

4) Yes, I do many genres, however I may not be in the mood for a specific genre.

5) If you’re unresponsive for over five days I may unadd or remind you, in the same respect you can do that to me, but of course if I’ve already set a status about it be aware of that.

6) Be literate, in and out of role plays. That means no text talk, use correct punctuation and all that jazz.

7) I reserve the right to block or get rid of anyone, I’m not going to be keeping people long if anyone is rude or unresponsive.

8) I generally look to include romance in my role plays, frankly because I can get a little bored without it. It doesn’t have to be super forced or anything of the sort but yeah. I prefer for that romance to be MxF or FxF and I’ll play male or female.

9)I won’t do cheating, furries, anime, underage, incest, rape, WWE, I won’t play under 16 year old characters or over 30, I won’t play a gold digger, I won’t do bestiality, I won’t play a cheating character. If you’re gonna show up to my account and start with ‘Hey do you want to do a kinky rp’ or ‘How’s it going, wanna do 18+?’ The answer is always no! I understand smut when it makes sense to a storyline, if you’re having to include it as an official theme, it’s not worth my time.

10)I will not reserve specific characters for people. It doesn’t matter if I made it just for you or not, they’re not your character and therefore all my characters are multi ship unless I decide otherwise. The only reason I may decide they’re single ship or I’m not doing any more role plays with them may be because I have loads using that character and/or I have lower muse for them.

11)Personal opinion in linking to the statement above. If like, all of your characters are claimed/not open for romance/single-ship don’t bother even sending me a request unless you make new characters.

12)Have fun! If you’re not having fun tell me and we can figure something out and change or scenes etc!

13)The more responsive you are with me, the more responsive I am with you. You get more priority if you’re more response/if I love our role play, but everyone will always get a response so don’t worry. If you add and don’t intend to talk then I’ll show you the door :)

14) If you’re an account that’s going to complain about no one being active, while you owe a response to me, or many others, then don’t bother adding, it gets on my nerves when there’s role players you’re ignoring just cause you’re waiting for one person or a few people to come on online.

15) If you’re not 17+ then please let me know! I’m not looking to write with anyone under the age of 17 so remove yourself or tell me and I’ll unadd.
To summarise, here’s my general preferences:
-No smut based plot
-Don’t approach in character, we need to plot.
- Have a character! Don’t write as ‘yourself’
-FxF or MxF
-No cheating, underage characters, age gaps, gold diggers, power imbalances (Ie Teacher and student)
-I don’t do Horror, paranormal (Ghosts and stuff)
-I don’t like having our characters already know each other (Friends when they were kids but one ‘disappeared’, they’re already dating, they are best friends that fall for each other- NO!)
-Don’t come here if you don’t want romance.
-I won’t write rape scenes, (Mention of rape etc is fine)
-ideally real life F/C or realistic drawings (Basically not anime or very basic art)

I’ll add more later, like and comment if you’ve understood this, if you don’t do so I’ll assume you haven’t. Because a lot of people seem to skim these, don’t prove they’ve read it. So when they do stuff that I clearly state I dislike, they get confused as to why I’m not so happy.

This may all seem rather rude, I’m sorry guys but I keep getting asked the same things and it’s getting annoying having to refer people back to my rules, so please take them in and read them! If you’re unsure about anything I’d rather you asked :)
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52 | 9 Comments | Jun 7th 2020 13:19