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Questions for Joshua_Remix

Rock_God asked the question
Q. Oh so you mean your OC's weren't drawn by you?
A. I’ll be hand drawing them soon. Right now I’m gonna “borrow” some art and such until I get less lazy XD
Rock_God asked the question
Q. Hey can you possibly make me a picture of DJ since you're always making your own images?
A. I draw but not digitally a lot since I hate doing it. I just di paper pencil
Rock_God asked the question
Q. Okay cool, thanks!! :D
A. Np
Rock_God asked the question
Q. If you could answer me the following questions for my story I would really appreciate it so I can get some accuracy. :)

What's your middle name? (Unrequired)
Hair Color? (I do believe it's ginger for real but I'm not a hundred percent sure.)
Eye Color?
Favorite Color?
Favorite Food?
Favorite Music?
Favorite Animal?
A. My full name is Joshua Brynhilder Ichigou. (What i use online)
I’m a ginger
My eyes are blue/green
Favorite color is orange or red
Favorite food is either chicken Parmesan or Teriyaki beef ramens
Rock_God asked the question
Q. If you could answer me the following questions for my story I would really appreciate it so I can get some accuracy. :)

What's your middle name? (Unrequired)
Hair Color? (I do believe it's ginger for real but I'm not a hundred percent sure.)
Eye Color?
Favorite Color?
Favorite Food?
Favorite Music?
Favorite Animal?
A. My favorite music is rock or rap. Usually stuff liek green dat. System of a Down or Eminem, dr.dre snoop dogg.
My favorite animal is either a snow fox, regular fox or cats
Rock_God asked the question
Q. Our roleplay has inspired me to write an original story called Rock God about a boy in a group of teenagers that form a band but he wants to quit after his father dies until he meets DJ and I was wondering if I could use your band name Shock Therapy cause I really like it. :D
A. Awe I’m flattered go ahead! Although. I want you to make a cameo to the inspiration of the name. The person who inspired me a name is Calemn. He died about two years ago when we planned our band
Rock_God asked the question
Q. Umm,.. are you there? (Sorry if you're busy but I'm getting anxious lol)
A. Yeah I was just a bit busy. Housework, taking care of me sister
Rock_God asked the question
Q. Goodnight if you went to bed already. :)
A. I had a call and some work to do and that was it. I’ve returned though
Rock_God asked the question
Q. Aww,.. I'm sorry to hear that. :( *Hugs*
A. It’s okay it was so long ago mom
Rock_God asked the question
Q. Actually, she's known him a bit longer than that now, but if your father was abusing you and you met a man that was really nice to you wouldn't you stick by them too?
A. Actually I went through the exact same scenario as a kid. Abusive dad and a mom who couldn’t do much about it. I actually had major trust issues, I couldn’t trust my step dad till I was 13-14