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Horror_Roleplays's Blog

Chad Jameson (main)

Name: Chad Jameson
Nickname: Chad
Age: 28-38
Height: 6'3
Weight: 215-240
Gender: Male
Species: Human

It would be an understatement to say that Chad was not a normal guy. He had the mind of one of the worst supervillians. He had an upbrining of a socio/psychopath. Chad had a very close upbringing to that of Bruce Wayne. He saw his parents murdered in front of him. Instead of at the theater, it was at their house. The thief broke in, killed his mother and his father went after the thief. The police really couldn't be blamed. All they saw was blood and a man running with a shot gun. The police gunned down Chad's dad and not the thief. The thief got away. Chad would always remember seeing his dad's face fall and hit the ground.

The next years.. until Chad was 28.. he put everything into working and doing studies. He became very successful. He built a realstate business from the ground up. He now owns many properties he just rents and flips many properties around the city. All high dollar properties. He also has a business where he buys into companies and when they become profitable he gets a percentage. As you could imagine this provides quite the income for Chad.
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8 | 0 Comments | Feb 1st 2021 14:08

Barron Nail

Name: Barron Swift
Nickname: Barron
Age: 23-35
Height: 6'2
Weight: 215-225
Gender: Male
Species: Human

Barron became a successful model and actor. He didn't really enjoy the city and moved to the windlerness. This provides him the much wanted privacy, as well as a hand up for anyone that comes on his propery. He has learned to make his propery off the grid and self-sufficent.
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2 | 0 Comments | Feb 1st 2021 14:08

Armie Nail

Name: Armie Nail
Height: 6'5
Weight: 215-225
Gender: Male
Species: Human

Armie is a play off of Armie Hammer. He is an heir to a fortune and has been in the limelight providing feed to his dark desires.
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3 | 1 Comment | Feb 1st 2021 14:07

Intro and Rules

No underage players or characters*

This is a hobby for me. I value role playing but have a life outside roleplaying... I will take prolonged breaks from this site and our roleplay. If this doesn't work you please delete me or block me or whatever you need to do... I priorities over roleplaying.
I will put time and effort into making our roleplay a great roleplay to be enjoyed by all parties.

I enjoy all the positives that come with writing and creating a story with another participant.
I like to write horror stories, pushing the limit and boudaries to what some monstorious humans can do.
I will only write with the other participant using a female or female characters. I tired to write with them using male chartacters and I just couldn't get into the roleplays.

I am looking for short term or long term roleplayers. The story-lines do tend to get very dark and deep into the horror genre. I enjoy playing the bad guy.

I am looking for some daring and open minded roleplayers, start a roleplay with one of my characters if you dare...

No God-modding or making your character all powerful.
Don't write for my character or write how my character is thinking or feeling
Speak up if you don't like the content or want to change the projection of the roleplay.
Nothing underage
Nothing involving animals
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19 | 1 Comment | Feb 1st 2021 14:07