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MHA verse : HAVOC

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Name | Anno Tadao
Hero / Villain name | Havoc
Age | Teen - Young adult
Quirk | Telekinesis

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Ever since he was a child, Tadao had struggled living with a powerful quirk that he wished he never had: Telekinesis. One might think of this quirk as rather straight forward- the ability to interact and move any objects with ones mind, however it wasn't as simple as one would think. Whilst his ability is extremely powerful- able to move many heavy objects at once and crush metals with the squeeze of his Telekinesis, his real limit becomes his mind.

Other than inducing great headaches, anxiety, loss of memory and many other such effects, Tadao can also completely lose control of his quirk whenever he enters a "cramped" state. A looping condition where if his head hurts too much during his usage of the quirk, he might start using too much power uncontrollably in his ability- which causes further headache, which, causes further loss of control. This loop continues to grow and cause mass destruction around him when it happens, and will continue up until he faints.

Because of this, previous incidents caused by his quirk led to Tadao becoming an outcast from many groups, a freak of nature with power that he has no control over, some even see him as a potential villain. Tadao however was never interested neither in villains nor heroes, and most of the time wished he never had a quirk at all. As he grew up and moved away from the locals who knew him, Tadao began to try and create a new kind of identity to himself, by introducing himself as quirkless to anyone new he met, and tries to avoid the spotlight from the world of heroes and villains.

To most who know him today, he is a rather kind albeit somewhat sad person, often dealing against his own migraines and avoids attention from others, making him appear rather lonesome. But he is a good friend to those who actually hang around with him. It does make him wonder though, will they still bother being his friend if they knew their quirkless buddy wasn't as defenceless as he seemed?

Well, suppose there is only one way to find out.
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2 | 0 Comments | Feb 13th 2023 22:12