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GolemBoss's Blog

Roland of the Golden Valley

A vampire vassal, not powerful enough to truly be a lord vampire, who occupies not a castle but a small farmstead that rests aside a creek in a farm valley. The homestead cabin has a water mill attached to its flank and the home is surrounded for many acres on all sides by fantastic golden wheat. He mills his own bread, rumored to be the best in the land, but due to his reclusive nature nobody is really sure. He also distills rye bourbon in the cellars, also rumored to be of impeccable quality.

He protects this farmland fiercely with his choice of servant- scarecrows given rudimentary sentience. Make no mistake, these are terrifying creatures, moving when not observed and able to stalk through the wheat silently. They move all disjointedly as if dolls hung by string and only display the one, smiling expression. They also tend the farms at night. He communes with the field mice to be his eyes in the surrounding towns and his own farm.

Roland's choice weapon is duel wielding classic wheat Sickles. He can transform into a few animals, though nothing "strong" (bat, mouse) and can levitate, has very basic telekinesis and very minor mind control.
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1 | 0 Comments | Jun 4th 2022 19:43

"Lance Arm" Jacob Tsarger

"If there's a wall, I'll break through it. If there's a line, I'll crush it. That's just how I've always been- I won't let anything stand in my way."

Jacob Tsarger lived a roughneck childhood tending cattle on the plains, following in the footsteps of his cowpoke father. From him, he was taught everything he knows- how to ride, drive cattle, fistfight, and much more. Living out in the badlands raised Jacob tough. But this tough yet Idyllic life was not to last.Beaten down by hard times and intense pressure from wealthy landowners, Jacob watched as his father withered away all his earnings cattle and pride until he passed when he turned 17. Soon after, he was drafted for war, took up his horse with him to join a volunteer cavalry.

The unit of riders was mostly scoffed at- A horse cavalry hadn't been relevant in a hundred years, what good were they anyways? But that is were Jacob found his identity, and met new mentors who taught him to fence with a saber, and ride with a lance. But once again, everything was taken from him, as the unit was wiped out in battle, his mentors killed, and his horse slain. Enraged, he managed to slaughter half a battalion in desperate fury, garnering him some rumors of heroism, only to be overshadowed by the command taking the credit. Abandoned now twice by his own leadership, Jacob swore from then on to only live for himself.

Returning home, Jacob trained intensely to develop his strength and fighting skill beyond the every man's capability. Though he'd never ride again out of respect for his fallen steed, He'd carry his lance- specially crafted from depleted uranium and steel alloy- And replicate his mighty charge on foot with a breakneck rush that could level tanks. He was going to make himself a legendary embodiment of the do-or-die cavalry.

He dresses in an old cavalry uniform, mostly covered up by a large, grey cloth poncho that conceals his frame and weapons. Aside from his lance, he carries a saber, sheathed on his left side, and two revolvers- one on his right hip and one across his chest.

Theme Song:

Attached photo is just an outfit reference.
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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 29th 2022 16:57

Elijah Abrams

Race: Human
Alias: Rebis

Elijah, known more commonly by his code-name, Rebis, is a member of the most despised and feared group on Earth- known as the Methuselah. However, this was not by his choice.

Elijah, a young thrill-seeker, joined the Army as a way to test his mettle, rising through the ranks and entering service as a Ranger. During a raid in a remote region of the middle east, he found himself at the wrong place at the wrong time- interrupting a deranged power seeker from using an ancient ritual to sacrifice everyone within the radius of their town in order to gain a random power from beyond. The ritual completed, but sucked to Elijah by mistake instead of the cultist, and the entire town- and Elijah's fellow soldiers- were traded for power against his will.

He had gained an incredible power- the power to control the tissue growth of his own body. He is able to create any material natural to the human genome, and modify his body within those perimeters. Some of these uses include changing his appearance and gender as he pleases, increasing his muscle mass and density to absurd levels to bolster his strength and resistance, to even sprouting bone to cover his skin as armor or weapons, new limbs, and rearranging/duplicating his internal organs. He has even countered his body's own aging.

These powers are not limitless, however. He cannot create what is not human genetic code, so he cannot sprout gills or feather, things of that nature. He cannot give himself abilities a normal human would not have, like seeing in the dark.

His creative employment of these powers, however grotesque they may be, has led him to adopt the moniker of the Rebis- The end-goal of alchemy, the perfect human form, both man and woman.

Soon after, he was summoned by the other seven Methuselah, to be formally inducted into their society despite not being the intended member. They were a group of powerful figures who had sacrificed thousands of human lives to gain powers with the goal of conquering the world, which, Elijah refused to be a part of, but insisted that as long as he and his life were left alone, he would not interfere, either. He would get no luxury, as the government blamed him for the slaughter of his comrades, and sent agents to kill or apprehend him and his family, and he now lives on the run, a de-facto member of a world-conquering group.

Elijah is now desperate to kill the other seven Methuselah, to clear his own name and to save the life he wishes he still had.

Because his appearance is subject to total change.. attached is a classic depiction of the Rebis from ancient literature.

Character Theme:
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1 | 0 Comments | Apr 25th 2022 21:21

Balebos Powers

PLEASE NOTE: All religious themes for the Golem summoning are not set in stone; I am merely borrowing the source materials to create a unique, interesting and separate power set.

Golems, not to exaggerate, are one of mythology’s most ambiguous creatures. They take many different roles, shapes, and abilities throughout history. To compile each of the details into one concrete being would be impossible, as it is often contradictory when looking at golem mythos from different eras and regions, even when only looking through the Hebrew lens. So, I’m taking pieces of different texts and compiling them for a power set.

The word “Golem” is actually the base of which the term “Goy” and its longhand “Goyim” originate, in old Hebrew, meaning something or someone who’s will is being manipulated or controlled. So, one would assume that this makes Golems will-less creatures that exist to take commands. This is not the case; in most writings, Golems not only have free will, but varying alignments, personalities, and goals. They have been written as heroes, villains, and tools, but one thing that remains is that they do not occur in the world naturally. They must be created or summoned.
Judaism does not have a “hell” as Christians do. Rather, the chosen people may enter heaven, while the wicked and the gentiles walk a dark, empty void for eternity, searching for the promised land’s gate. This plane, referred to as “Sheol” is more closely related to a bleak purgatory. For my lore, I assume that this plane is the natural habitat of the golem. Golems traverse these planes, in their many forms, not needing to consume to live, and spend an eternity forming their identities amongst themselves and the souls of people they come across.
Golems do not see as we do, they empathically sense living and spiritual beings, and objects with their lack of living or spiritual matter. It’s like looking through a thermal scope, but for spirit. They lack what we would consider any of the five senses. Golems do not communicate directly; they have a language that they speak, but their meaning is simply placed in your mind rather than making noise. Likewise, they do not understand human language as they cannot hear you, but infer the meaning when you speak to them.
Golem Summoning is a power one has to be born with. It can be refined, but the physical ability is bloodline-related. Specifically, summoners of this class are referred to most accurately as Balebos. Initially, only Jews could be summoners, but as the millenia went on, and peoples mixed genealogies, the ability was spread around slightly more evenly. Still, Jews maintain the highest concentrated group of summoners. To summon a golem, the summoner must first be able to enter Sheol.
Entering Sheol is done through meditation or deep sleep, allowing the spirit to traverse the void planes while still being alive, and encounter the golems in their home. To summon them, the person must first convince the golem that they are worth taking orders from. Since golems have varying personalities, like people, sometimes this can be easy or extremely difficult. Should a golem agree, they form a spiritual contract, and can now be summoned into the realm of the living.
Sheol is not without its dangers, however. Other creatures inhabit Sheol, and not all golems are approachable. If your spiritual form is attacked and destroyed, your physical body becomes a husk- a nightmarish, braindead shell of who you once were, guided ONLY by physical programming and instinct. Sheol, being vast and primarily empty, does not guarantee you meet a golem with every visit. Finding and recruiting a golem is an exhausting task.
When summoned, a golem is formed from the earthy material around the summoner, including less natural materials like concrete and asphalt. The Golem can only maintain its shape in the living world so long as the user has energy to do so, like mana. Different strength levels, sizes, or powers of golems have different tolls on the summoner. If a summoner is rendered unconscious, the golem will fade back into Sheol, until summoned again. A golem does not feel pain, and will expend summoner’s mana to repair its body as it is damaged.
Golem contracts are two-way. It is up to the summoner to maintain their end of the bargain, helping the golem achieve whatever it is they agreed to in the contract when possible. This is a dangerous game, however, as not all golems mean well, and their agendas may be harmful. Violation of a contract, rating on severity, is grounds to break and the summoner will lose the ability to call on that golem, and may never encounter it again in the literally endless planes of Sheol. It is possible to maintain as many contracts as you can fulfill. Should a Golem violate its contract, its very spirit dissolves into nothingness. A golem under contract can be summoned, introduced to another summoner, and form a contract with them- creating generational contracts.
Of course, the nature of the divine is indescribable to mortals, whether the Jews were right or not. Sheol may simply be just one plane of existence from which some pull their power from, and the exact knowledge is not for any to understand, not even the golems. Golems, like mortals, are not born with intrinsic knowledge. They must learn, and typically their primary method of doing so is in contact with souls, or their contracted entry into the land of the living.

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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 23rd 2022 18:16

Gilead Naftali

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Height: 5'7"
Hair/Eyes: Brown/Dark Brown
Build: Athletic

About: Gilead is a Balebos, a summoner how can contract and bring forth golems. His exact origins are variable based on the story, but for the most part he was brought up in a rural hometown before leaving to travel the world and broaden his knowledge. He is a kind, hard worker, and will never hesitate to offer a helping hand, even to complete strangers. Apart from being a summoner, as the golem contracts can be both specific and taxing, Gilead is a capable fighter in his own right with a shield and short spear.
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0 | 0 Comments | Apr 23rd 2022 18:11