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GhoulishServant's Blog


Inspiration from Star Wars

General info;
Name: Lukas
Age: 22
Sex: male
Orientation: reciprosexual, homoromantic
Race: Mandalorian (force sensitive)
Place of residence: uncharted, hostile planet
Home planet: Mandalore

Height: ≥6'0"
Build: toned, athletic
Hair color: black
Hair style: loose waves
Hair length: upper back
Eye color: blue
Complexion: ghostly pale
Tattoos/scars: strange, red tattoo on left shoulder (forced), multiple scars from training/torture

Exploration: brown robes with krayt hide stitched on
Combat: similar to exploration outfit but with Force created storms wrapped around him and his Inquisitor suit underneath
Casual: Inquisitor outfit or common Sith robes

Abilities and the Force;
Force abilities: levitation, lightning, condensed blast, protective barrier, voice throwing, storm creation, choke, rage, signal webs, empathy
Natural abilities: acrobatics, heightened senses, charismatic, cryo resistance, nocturnal vision
Weaknesses: light, heat

Metal: beskar
Plasma color: crimson
Additional parts: concealed blaster, revolving emitters
Total emitters: 2

Faction: self, former Sith, former Inquisitor
Allies: nature, beasts, krayt dragons
Foes: everyone until he trusts someone

Personality: kind, compassionate, protective, at first he may seem cold, distant, and even uncaring or aggressive

Story:Being raised on Mandalore, Lukas always used more conventional weapons with standard ammunition. As he grew up, he noticed that he could lift objects by staring at them and crush them just as easily. When Lukas found out about the Force, he had thought he would never live up to be anything. One day, however, he was approached by a Sith and raised as their apprentice. He has honed the dark side of the force, essentially making some of his own techniques as well. Lukas killed his master, seeing the destructive ways of the Sith and hating himself for letting them control him. He hides in isolation, communicating with nature to avoid being found by Sith and Jedi alike. Since his arrival on the unknown planet, Lukas has created many things from the Force and even tamed many beasts, including a beast similar to a krayt dragon that hides within the icy terrain, is much larger, and can use the Force techniques that Lukas can when the Sith stands atop his head. He has, however, grown sensitive to light as the planet lacks any natural source, giving him a ghostly complexion and his nocturnal vision.
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1 | 0 Comments | May 31st 2022 16:47


Inspiration from Harry Potter

Name: Pavel Smirnov
Sex: Male
Age: varies by year
Orientation: Bi

Physical appearance;
Height: 5'9
Build: slim, athletic
Eyes: sapphire blue
Hair color: jet black
Hair length: shoulders
Complexion: pale

Likes: books, small spaces, running water, animals, plants, anything excessively sweet
Dislikes: news, opens spaces, fire, people, anything bitter
Favorite drinks: excessively sweet caffeinated beverages, tea
Least favorite drinks: black coffee/tea
Favorite color: purple
Least favorite color: yellow

House: Slytherin

Patronus: basilisk

Animagus: firefly

Length: 8 inch
Wood: blackthorn
Core: thestral hair and dragon heartstring dual core
Flexibility: unyielding

Personality: timid, caring, gentle, calm, however he is cold and distant at first, sometimes snobby due to his teachings

Background: Pavel always struggled growing up, and as he got close to people they always betrayed him. His own family would push him aside for one reason or another, no matter how small. The day he discovered he had magic, a flower had wilted, the cause was his sadness that day. He had gone to a different witchcraft school before going to Hogwarts, and was one of, if not the best students in academic excellence. His transfer to Hogwarts was unexpected but welcome nonetheless.
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0 | 0 Comments | May 25th 2022 00:48


Inspiration from Evangelion

General info;
Gender: Male
Species: Angel/human hybrid
Age: 20
Orientation: reciprosexual, aromantic

Physical appearance;
Height: 5'11
Build: slim/athletic
Hair: curly, messy, black
Eyes: blue
Skin tone: paler than a ghost
Clothing: varies, though often dress suits, color is always navy blue or black

Tattoos: none
Scars: none
Piercings: none

A.T. field power: ninety million kilowatt to penetrate the field, for reference Ramiel's A.T. field was 180 million kilowatts to penetrate the field
Attack: uses a construct that looks similar to a miniature Ramiel to fire highly concentrated pulses or beams of raw energy, though vastly weaker than those of the true Ramiel
Hidden ability: only brought out during times of true agony and grief, the construct will turn black and fire a crimson pulse that turns the victim into pure LCL

A NERV "agent", though treated like the most vile villain. Easily controlled by angels that influence the mind

Likes: smoke, fire, rage, anything bitter
Dislikes: socializing, ice, serenity, anything sweet
Hobbies: reading, gaming, sleeping, combat training

Favorite food: raw onions
Favorite drink: black coffee, plain
Hated food: candy
Hated drinks: soda or sweet juices
Favorite colors: black, red, navy blue
Hated colors: white

Personality: cold, distant, violent when provoked, introverted

Voice: has a similar voice to Tabris (Kaworu) but a scream like Ramiel's

For reference to the construct:
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0 | 0 Comments | May 19th 2022 00:14


Gender: male
Species: [REDACTED]
Body: athletic
Eye color: sapphire blue
Hair: jet black

Flash gauntlets: lightweight steel gloves, designed to emit a bright light when slammed together, can retract into a bracelet form
Viper blades: small, thin, and hollow blades protruding from the wrist, capable of slipping through small cracks and injecting a paralyzing toxin
Moon visor: a visor designed to reduce light in order to prevent temporary and permanent blindness
Venom: paralysis poison, meant to disable victims while Viperdrive steals a mask or other accessory as a trophy to humiliate his opponent
(Nothing to do with Marvel/WWII) Hydra serum: a serum injected into the neck for a quick patch up and short burst of adrenaline and hormones
Venom Mk 2: stronger version of the Venom poison, meant to permanently disable limbs, only effects the targeted limb
Production pouch: a small, mechanical pouch on the back, replicates serums and distributes through tubes

Personality: reliable, cold, sometimes caring, easily frightened when alone

Conditions/disabilities: missing an eye after a fight resulting in bad aim

"Let's see you stand when I find a crack in that suit!"
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0 | 0 Comments | May 10th 2022 23:13


Real name: Samuel Reid
Nicknames: Pixie, Sam, Sammy
Gender: male
Age: 25
Species: angel hybrid
Orientation: pansexual

Physical appearance;
Visible muscle: none
Visible fat: none
Height: ≤5'9"
Hair length: just past the shoulders
Hair color: platinum blonde
Eye color: ocean blue
Skin color: pale
Scars: none
Piercings: none
Tattoos: none
Etc: small wings capable of flight, small halo

Personality: caring, polite, calm, loyal, honest, pessimistic

Favorite drink: any soft drink or sweet drink
Favorite food: sweets and baked goods
Hated food: anything bitter or sour
Hated drinks: black coffee, milk
Likes: anything holy, animals, flowers, bright colors
Dislikes: anything unholy, animal abusers, wilted flowers, the color brown

Powers: manipulation of light, water manipulation, crystalline armor, healing, advanced flight
Skills: great cook, talented singer, excellent writer, decent painter

Hobbies: painting, baking, sewing
Bad habits: nail biting
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0 | 0 Comments | May 10th 2022 16:26