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GhoulishServant's Blog


Inspired from DC's Flash

General info;
Name: Harry Wellson
Villain name(s): Flicker, Flit, Jet Blur
Age: 36
Sex: male
Orientation: pansexual, panromantic
Species: metahuman (human with powers)
Place of origin: E-9 (Earth 9)

Height: 6'7"
Body type: ectomorph
Hair color: jet black
Hair length: above shoulders
Hair diameter: very fine
Hair type: wavy
Hair style: messy
Eye color: sapphire
Complexion: pale
Scars/tattoos: none
Piercings: none

Everyday: black hoodie, black skinny jeans, and black sneakers
Villain costume: black spandex/teflon hybrid suit, similar to that of Zoom in a way it won't reveal who is underneath

Voice: hoarse, soft, intimidating, usually distorted through vibrating the vocal cords

Personality: cold and calculating, often judgemental, though compassionate and friendly after a while

Powers: speeds reaching beyond mach 5, invisibility (through vibration/movement speed), phasing through objects (through vibration), throwing lighting (up to ten bolts in rapid succession while airborne), time travel (through the "Jet Speed Force"), speed mirages, speed healing (quick regeneration), time remnants, temporal regression (reverses time around self while running)

Weaknesses: predictable, nearly constant hunger, careless (when angered)

Background: find out through roleplaying
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1 | 0 Comments | Sep 9th 2022 12:53


Heavy tobacco/alcohol use

General info;
Name: Allan/Ava
Alias: Dreamscape
Age: ~21-25 (varies from person to person)
Sex: varies
Orientation: panromantic, pansexual

Appearance: varies from person to person, the only things consistent are pure black attire, usually a suit or dress, unidentifiable facial features, and either a bottle of alcohol or a cigar held in the right hand

Personality: manipulative, cold, calculating

Likes: nightmares, strange dreams, memories, fantasies, implanting ideas
Loves: villains, corruption
Dislikes: heroes
Hates: conforming, being caught

Fear(s): being trapped within Dreamscape Prime

Powers: hypnosis, dream manifestation, Dreamscape Prime

Power specifics;
Hypnosis: when one enters a room with their presence, Dreamscape will emit a mental energy capable of incapacitating individuals
Dream manifestation: will manifest in one's dreams
Dreamscape Prime: introduces a target to a strange universe referred to as the Dreamscape Prime, ruled by Dreamscape. Once this is done, the target is stuck in a coma indefinitely as Dreamscape slowly brings upon their demise

Background: find out through roleplaying

Etc: will manifest a random black door before invading a dream, typically where a door should not be
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2 | 0 Comments | Sep 8th 2022 23:24

Zombie boy

No, this is not Will, just a nickname

Mentions of: self harm, attempted suicide, abuse

General info;
Name: Zack Thyme
Nickname(s): Zombie Boy, Vampire
Sex: male
Orientation: demi-panromantic, demi-pansexual
Age: 18
Species: human

Height: ≤5'7"
Body type: lithe, ectomorph
Hair color: black
Hair diameter: very fine
Hair type: curly
Hair length: upper back
Hair style: messy, natural
Eye color: light blue
Complexion: pale
Scars/tattoos/bruises: multiple scars down arms, mild bruising on the arms and back
Piercings: none
Etc: dark bags under eyes

Clothing: torn, white hoodie, white t-shirt, ripped, black skinny jeans, gray sneakers
Accessories: black collar

Personality: shy, antisocial, caring, pessimistic, may seem distant and cold at first

Voice: soft, quiet, soothing

Talent(s): drawing, cooking, writing

Likes: drawing, music, rain, his family
Dislikes: himself, sunshine, social events/large crowds

Background: find out through roleplaying
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1 | 0 Comments | Jul 29th 2022 05:02


Inspiration from Pokémon Ultra Moon

This is a kemonomimi. For those that don't know what that means, a kemonomimi is a human with animal ears/tails

General info;
Name: Umbreon
Nickname: default is Omen, can be changed
Age: 20
Sex: male
Orientation: reciprosexual, recipromantic
Pokémon/trainer: Pokémon
Trainer: N/A, abandoned

Height: 4'11"
Body type: lithe, ectomorph
Hair color: jet black
Hair type: straight
Hair length: shoulders/upper back
Hair style:loose
Eye color: yellow
Complexion: pale
Tattoos/markings/scars: cyan ring markings unlike typical Umbreon, cuts and bruises down arms, minor burns (healed)
Piercings: none
Etc: tail and ears common amongst Umbreon

Clothing: default clothes are a torn and filthy black hoodie, torn black sweatpants, filthy black sneakers

Personality: cold and distant at first, after a while becomes caring and protective

Voice: raspy, soft, quiet

Likes: anything spicy or bitter, compassion
Dislikes: anything sweet or sour,

Moves: default moves are Mean Look, Dark Pulse, Snarl, and Screech, can be changed

Other notes: Omen has a regular Pokémon form as well as the kemonomimi form for easier capture

Background: find out through roleplaying
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0 | 0 Comments | Jul 23rd 2022 03:10


Inspiration from BioShock 2

General info;
Name: Dan Salvador
Nickname(s): 01, the Miracle
Age: 18-20
Sex: male
Orientation: bisexual, biromantic
Type of experiment/plasmids: Big Brother with Plasmids

Height: ≥5'11"
Hair color: jet black
Hair diameter: very fine
Hair length: shoulders
Hair type: wavy
Hair style: loose
Body type: lanky, ectomorph
Complexion: pale
Eye color: Caribbean blue
Scars/tattoos: none
Piercings: none

Big Brother: sleek, black diving suit and a mask depicting a vampire's face
Normal: black dress suit and a navy tie

Voice: soothing and calm yet raspy

01/Big Brother/the Miracle: calculating, cold, ruthless
Dan: calm, caring, pessimistic

Plasmid abilities;
Flash (original): superhuman travel speed, often too fast to track with the naked eye (bursts lasting up to 20 seconds, 10 second delay between bursts)
Leech (based off of Parasitic Healing): slowly, subtly drains life and heals the user (only through physical contact)
Beserk (original): enhanced physical capabilities, often exhausting the user once the effect wears off (exhaustion lasts ~2 minutes, effect lasts ≤45 seconds)

Weapon(s): ADAM extractor, razor-sharp metal claws (when in suit), any piece of garbage he picks up

Likes: helping people, the thought of freedom, anonymity
Dislikes: watching others suffer, Rapture, being known

Background: find out through roleplaying
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0 | 0 Comments | Jul 15th 2022 01:52