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Comments for GHOULISH

hydra "I'm driving you back home." Del replied bluntly. "Either that, or you'll have to ask your friend to pick you up. I don't want you getting hurt." The girl peeked her head out of the window, before pointing out again. "Just here, Pelle. Can you park?"
hydra " – And then a right up here. My apartment building is up this block." She leaned forward, pointing to further illustrate her instruction. "You should be hurt. I was aiming to offend you." Del hummed, leaning back in her seat. "Pelle, you can't be serious? You don't even have a Norwegian license? You shouldn't be driving."
hydra "No, not that far. You need to calm down, Pelle, before you get paranoid to drive - oh, and take the next left." Del glanced over at him, shrugging. "Well, fair, it's not like I trust you either. I especially don't trust your driving. Did you pass your driving test back in Norway?"
hydra "Oh yeah. /This/ takes skill, but ballet is light work. You're so annoying, Pelle." Del frowned down at the cassette, rather enjoying the mundane nightly update from whatever news station she had landed on in her search. The music didn't sound too different from what he had played before, so Del didn't pay much mind to it, instead, she stared out of the window and watched as the cars passed by. "Like I said, Pelle, it's fine. It's nothing new to me. Don't you trust me?"
hydra ¬ i don't think it send either of my comments? so weird.

I can't understand it? What is there to understand? It's just a bunch of guys screaming." Del chuckled to herself, now fiddling with the hem of her pinkish dress. "What do I listen to? Why would I tell you? You're just a Del hater." She then paused at his explanation, glancing up at him, a somewhat understanding glint in her eyes. "It'll be fine - if anything happens, Pelle, I'll cover for you. And what could be that bad in his car?"
hydra ¬ i'm so sorry, i think i accidentally deleted your message!! could you send it again?
hydra "Way too evil - oh, and it's pretty bad. I don't know how you can listen to it." Over anything, she was trying to get a rise out of the other. "Pelle.." She stared, eyes narrowed at him. "Are you high? Are you drunk? Is there a warrant out for you? What's going on? Just tell me, please."
hydra "Good point... But it's my house, my rules, and I do not trust you drunk in my house." Del took to fiddling with radio, turning through the stations until one sounded a little promising. "Just down here for now, Pelle.... What do you mean that we're done for? Is there something you haven't told me?"
hydra "Course I have alcohol. Who do you think I am? But, oh, no getting drunk. I don't want to deal with that." Del hummed, sneaking a hand up to the volume to turn it down ever so slightly. "Hell's Kitchen, New York. I can... direct you from here, if you'd like?"