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ForestWanderer24's Blog

Pictures Of OC's

Hey guys, so my computer is being weird and not posting the corresponding pictures with my OC bio's so I just made an album of their pictures so you all can still see what they look like! Here's the link!
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2 | 0 Comments | Aug 24th 2018 01:35

Daphne Ural

Date of Birth: Oct. 3rd

Gender: Female

Race: Caucasian

Nationality: American

Species: Human

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 165lbs

Scar(s): None

Tattoo(s): a cherry tattoo on her thigh, lipstick print on her shoulder blade

Attire: Wears dark colors (mainly black) consisting of tight shirts and peddle pushers, brown curls pulled tightly into a pinup, dark and dramatic makeup, raunchy, scandal-like clothing

Voice: Seductive, calm and cold

Beliefs: You only get one shot, live life to the fullest

Likes: motocycles, smoking, music, dancing, boys

Dislikes: bright colors, squares, jocks, school, authority

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Motto/Quote: "I'm no stranger to heartbreak"

Relationships: None...yet ;)

Goals: live life on the edge and carefree

Education/Occupation: GED, not pursuing anything else education wise, bartender

Home: Town house in California

Social Class: Lower class

Important Possessions: crinkled picture of her parents that her grandmother gave her

Languages: English

Personality: Cold, often pushes everyone away and chooses to just go out and have fun with her gang (greasers) usually picking on squares and sabotaging jocks. She has a soft center but that is veryyyyy hard to get to

Other Info: Left on her grandparents' doorstep at birth, her parents abandoned her for a reason never told...the feeling of abandonment never left her as she took the wrong path of life, choosing trouble and "fun" rather than her studies
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5 | 0 Comments | Jul 13th 2018 02:05

Sandy Alkson

Date of Birth: May 16th

Gender: Female

Race: Caucasian

Nationality: American

Species: Human

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 150lbs

Scar(s): None

Tattoo(s): NEVER!

Attire: Wears bright colors, always dresses, blonde curls, tiny bit of makeup, conservative clothing

Voice: Calm and collected, innocent

Beliefs: A simple life is a good one

Likes: pastel colors, sunshine, music, family, jocks

Dislikes: Greasers, smoking, foul language, dirty dancing

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Motto/Quote: "I'm no stranger to heartbreak"

Relationships: None, which is disgraceful to society

Goals: Become a housewife but secretly wants more than the simple life

Education/Occupation: Waitress, basic GED education; not allowed to go to college

Home: Suburb town house in California

Social Class: Middle class

Important Possessions: A hand sewn Sunday dress her grandmother gave her for her 18th birthday

Languages: English

Personality: Bubbly, innocent, very social and respectful to adults and is very active in her school's activities

More Info: Sandy is what greasers consider a "square," and she is the definition of one. She resents Greasers as they constantly torment her. She is part of a simple family and is a part of the cheerleading squad
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7 | 0 Comments | Jul 11th 2018 15:33

Luna Shaw

Date of Birth: Sept. 29th

Gender: Female

Race: Caucasian

Nationality: American

Species: Human

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 170lbs

Scar(s): None

Tattoo(s): Lion tattoo on her thigh

Attire: *squints* God take a picture, maybe it'll last longer *rolls eyes* (look at picture ya dummy)

Voice: Calm and collected, cold

Beliefs: Work is the only thing that will give you success

Likes: phycology, animals, cold weather, rock music (including her unhealthy obsession with one of her favorite bands), black, quiet, her autistic brother

Dislikes: Loud people, fake people, optimism, bright colors

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Motto/Quote: "A dream doesn't come true by takes sweat, determination and hard work"

Relationships: None, not enough trust in others

Goals: To survive

Education/Occupation: Waitress, basic GED education; not enough money to go on through schooling

Home: Run down apartment in The Bronx

Social Class: Working class

Important Possessions: A locket with her brothers picture in it

Languages: English and some faded Spanish from her high school years

Personality: life has not been kind to Luna, and therefore she struggles with connecting with people. She is silent, observant and gives most the cold shoulder. Most interactions usually end with her ignoring the other or an outburst if they pester her. Though patient, she has an anger issue and is not afraid to kick some ass if needed

Background: growing up in the slums of The Bronx is no easy place for a little girl, let alone a foster child who's parents were only in it for the money. Luna entered the system at age 7, and loved her autistic brother Robert like no other thing in her life...that was the first time she truly cared and loved someone, showed her true emotions to protect this little boy from the world...but as soon as the two were separated, a switched flipped within her, ridding herself of ever letting ANY emotion show upon the surface. She vowed to not love anyone ever again if given the chance and through her life, has been successful.

Skills/abilities: dealing with an autistic brother takes patience, therefore she is extremely patient, to an extent as stated, she has an anger problem and will defend herself. Her favorite subject (that no one knows or cares about) is psychology, it has been something that fascinated her as long as she can remember...the brain is a beacon that can become damaged, cross wired or scrambled with the tiniest of actions

Weaknesses: she loves animals and takes care of strays on the streets, giving them food when she can and taking them in to assure they aren't sick or hurt before releasing them back out into the world...that and her crush for her favorite band that is an undying obsession for them...she goes to their hangout and gig spot every weekend to see them play

Favorite color: mainly wears black...but green if she has to choose

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5 | 0 Comments | Jun 16th 2018 22:01

Lyric Falidon

Date of Birth: December 28th

Gender: Female

Race: Caucasian

Nationality: American

Species: Human

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 170lbs

Scar(s): A silvery scar across her side from her abusive step father, bruises consist of the rest of the markings

Tattoo(s): None

Voice: Raspy, wise, soft-spoken

Beliefs: Silence is your greatest power

Likes: The forest, nature, the color blue, silence, animals(mainly birds), flowers

Dislikes: Abuse, loud noises, the dark

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Motto/Quote: "And into the forest I go, to loose my mind and find my soul"

Relationships: None at the moment

Goals: To truly find herself

Education/Occupation: None

Home: A small cottage in the woods

Social Class: None

Important Possessions: A cloak she obtained when a little girl from her mother and has never taken it off since

Abilities: Foraging, hand to hand combat, survival skills

Languages: English

Appearance: long blonde curls that she wears in under a cloak to hide her bright blue eyes and pale skin. She is frail, and usually wears dark colors that blend in with the trees

Personality: She has been through a lot in her past, from her mother passing away in a house fire, to her father being so abusive, she is self conscious about everything she does at every moment. She refuses to show any of her body that consists of her torso and she has learned to hide every emotion behind a bubbly smile and happy personality. There are walls that are built up and will be hard to break down. She is silent like the wind, a huntress that takes only what she needs when she needs it
Other Info: She has always been drawn to the woods...She usually is alone in her cottage with the occasional passer by that is looking for shelter but is brave and ready to defend herself against anything such as attackers...she is less innocent than thought to be

(She is the profile pic)
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4 | 1 Comment | May 30th 2017 20:56