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EchoCharm's Blog

♡ Rules ♡

1. I will not do one-liners. I understand that a roleplay can slow when there isn't a terrible lot going on in that moment. I find it boring if the entire roleplay ends up being one word or one line for extended periods of time, so I simply won't do them. If you need more things to respond to, I can give you more, just let me know and I can retype a reply.

2. Do not control my characters. You try to control them, I will just stop responding and remove you as a friend on here.

3. I do not give out personal information.

4. No MINORS please as I am an ADULT.

5. I'm not going to be a grammar nazi, it doesn't have to be perfect constantly without any typos. I'm human too, mistakes happen. Just try your best and I will try my best.

6. Please do not expect instant replies all the time. I will get on when I can but work and a social life are things that I have to keep in mind. If it gets to the point where I've been online for three days and I haven't replied, feel free to shoot me another message to remind me. I have a terrible habit of reading the replies I have gotten before replying to one.

7. If you're no longer liking the roleplay or have just gotten bored of it, we can change it up in the roleplay or start a completely new one! Communication is key with me!
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8 | 0 Comments | Sep 25th 2022 19:39