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DoubleCheck's Blog

Apollo (Fantasy)

"This war will not be won by hiding from the darkness behind talls walls. It will be won by going into that darkness and burning the evil away."

Basic Information:
Name- Apollo
Gender- Male
Occupation- Warrior/Adventurer or Knight

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3 | 0 Comments | Jun 5th 2023 02:59


"There is a lack of respect for the spots in our world between the places. Think of all the parks, forests and forgotten buildings that lay just a few steps from the known. Then imagine what could be there."

Name: Evan Israel Poacher
Gender: Male
Age: 21-24
Occupation: Hunter, Writer, Explorer, Missing person search and rescue, guide
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3 | 0 Comments | Jun 5th 2023 02:53

Rules (Please Read)

A core principle for me is that the characters are not the authors. The views and experiences that they have are not always my own. Please keep in mind that I am not my characters.

I am not interested in roleplaying with authors who are under the age of 18 and main characters who are also under this age. Please do not overlook or ignore this rule.

If you add then please give me a message OOC. I like to have some basic conversation before we jump into the roleplay.

Due to living and working in the country I may sometimes be without internet for a few days. If you need constant replies then I am not a good partner in that regard. Feel free to give a bump or poke if you feel that it has been a little too long. It is possible that I believe that I already have replied.

While making changes to my character is fine I am not interested in playing someone completely different. Please have a look over the backstory and basic themes of the character.
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6 | 0 Comments | Jan 4th 2023 06:23