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Dark_Fantasy's Blog

The Sanctuary (prompt.)

The Sanctuary.  Once a bastion of light within a Dark continent constantly at war. Where knowledge of the arcane arts and technology flew passed those of Sanctuaries warring neighbours. Elves prospered, and were able to achieve many great feats with their knowledge of wood shaping and alchemy, while the dwarves used the ore found within sanctuaries and the magic of the Mages Academy to create men of Steel. With these men mining operations ran throughout the day and night, digging deeper into the mines. This caused something to awaken, a great darkness with dominated the men of Steel, twisting they're metal bones, turning them from tools to objects of war. In one night Sanctuary fell. The city going silent forever. When news spread the Kingdoms sent their forces to the city, hoping to learn it's secrets. None returned. Men and women of all races becoming twisted, ghoulish beings. From then the Sanctuary became a hitspot for adventurers and treasure hunters alike, some craving riches, glory, knowledge, and power...Unaware of the monstrosities which awaited them...


1: Your character is the child or Grandchild of one of the highest ranking members of the Sanctuaries society (Archmage, Master Craftsman, etc.) Who was studying abroad during the fall. After learning about the downfall of the city your character returns home to learn just what brought it about. My character can be either A: an adventurer/Mercenary hired for protection, or B: a childhood friend and one of the few survivors.

2: Our characters are adventurers hired by either a King or Queen to be part of an elite expedition party into the sanctuary. However, things don't go as planned as a majority of the party is slaughtered by an unknown creature, leaving us and the survivors stranded...
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2 | 0 Comments | Apr 19th 2018 20:14