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Maria Rose Robotnik

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" Not a day goes by where I don't think about you, Shadow. Maybe there is a Shadow out there, missing his Maria? "

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> Age: Appears 18 - 21 but is actually ageless and immortal.
> Birthplace: Space Colony ARK
> Relative(s) Gerald Robotnik (grandfather - deceased)
> Species: Human


> Gender: Female
> Hair: Blonde
> Skin: Peach
> Eyes: Dark blue
> Attire: Blue hairband, Dark blue top, Light blue dress, Dark blue slippers and an inhibitor ring on each wrist ( a parting gift from Shadow )


> Alignment: Good
> Affiliation(s): Gerald Robotnik
> Likes: Life, World peace, Shadow (deceased), Her grandfather (deceased), Earth, Helping people, Space Colony ARK, Roses.
> Dislikes: Fighting, Weapons, Killing, Black Doom, Black Arms.

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PROJECT; SHADOW the ultimate success. After obtaining the blood and DNA from Black Doom, Professor Gerald Robotnik was able to create the ultimate creature, a creature that was to be a shining light for humanity but mainly for his ailing granddaughter, a much-needed companion and lifelong friend and a creature that was able to save her from an incurable disease.

The remedy: Shadow's blood and with that, Maria was saved.

However, not all enjoyed this joyous news, upon hearing that Shadow had saved the life of a human and was becoming a companion rather than the truth behind his creation was to be, the ultimate warrior for the Black Arms. Having put an alert to the government that everyone upon the Space Colony ARK was in danger and soon to be under attack, the government had sent agents to the Space Colony ARK to bring Maria, the Professor and Shadow to safety but it was already too late. Black Doom's forces were already upon them, and things were looking hopeless.

The only creature aboard the Space Colony ARK that was remotely strong enough to fight against the Black Arms was Shadow himself, he managed to keep Black Doom's forces back but was unable to get to the doctor in time, all the other scientists and government agents had been slain and the only survivors was Shadow and Maria and both were cornered in the escape room with the escape pods. Shadow knew that there was no chance of him surviving and so he had to make the ultimate sacrifice to ensure the survival of his best friend, Maria.

After tricking Maria to get into the escape pod and having given her his inhibitor rings as something for her to remember him by, just as Black Doom's forces descended on the escape room and Maria was forced to watch in horror as Shadow was killed in front of her seconds before the escape pod activated and sent her away to safety. That day, she will never forget the sacrifice that Shadow had made for her, giving up his life to save hers, for the second time.

Having settled in her new life and having started a small cafe business called the DIVINE ROSE CAFE, she couldn't help but feel incomplete. There was a Shadow-shaped hole in her heart that she longed to fill. She still keeps and wears the inhibitor rings that her Shadow had given her on the day that he was killed, and it was always a painful memory, especially on the anniversary of his death.
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