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Comments for CrustyButtons

Solael If I had a jar, I would fill it with crusty buttons UwU ♥
Solael I have big dog privilege with Mitty UwU
Solael Who dis cutey? UwU Might suck on that soda eheheh~ XD
Solael Think of Mitty as a giant surprise gift bag. You don't know what you'll get, but you'll always be giddy about all the goodies. Sometimes you'd wonder if it isn't a mimic in disguise >.>
MaxiEve Oh. Mitty. Well, I wonder what I can say about them?

I'm really fortunate to have become one of their writing partners, they've got an approachable way of handling writing and they really makes you feel at ease about their story. I truly have been blessed by having the best writing partners I possibly could have asked for, and indeed Mitty is One of them. No doubts about it.

11/10 - I would have a hot cup of coffee and keep writing till the moon turns into the sun, only to keep the Story moving forward.
Solael And I stan the crustiest of buttons UwU Writing with you is like sharing a bag of gummy bears where I don't like the red ones and you love them. 10/10 Would wear my last shirt together with Mitty to waddle to a store for a new one.
Solael Hi ♥ Thanks for being awesome :>