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Coco_Colado's Blog

▪︎☆▪︎ Rules & Preferences ▪︎☆▪︎


▪︎☆▪︎ I'd prefer to use third person but I'm willing to do first

▪︎☆▪︎I don't mind romantical themes or 1▪︎8+ but i would prefer a really good plot line outside of that

▪︎☆▪︎I really prefer 4+ lines when role-playing. I don't always expect paragraphs or multi-paras but PLEASE no one liners

▪︎☆▪︎Please inform me beforehand if you plan on taking a break so I know you haven't ghosted me, and I will do the same. If you do ghost me I will eventually unfriend you

▪︎☆▪︎ I try to write good responses so even if it takes a little while longer please leave me with something I can read and I will do the same

▪︎☆▪︎ If I deny your friend request then don't bother trying to add again

▪︎☆▪︎ Please let me know if you do not like my response or you are no longer into the roleplay and I will do the same

▪︎☆▪︎ Limits ▪︎☆

Water sports

▪︎☆▪︎ Enjoys ▪︎☆▪︎

Almost anything else is okay will add to limits if there are more

▪︎☆▪︎ DISCLAIMER ▪︎☆▪︎
PLEASE DO NOT dm me to ask my limits just to try to roleplay them that's weird

▪︎☆▪︎ Thanks for reading!!▪︎☆▪︎
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6 | 0 Comments | May 1st 2024 18:18

▪︎☆▪︎ Tiana Sharp ▪︎☆▪︎


☆Name☆ Tiana
☆Gender☆ Female
☆Sexual orientation☆ Bisexual
☆Species☆ Huaman
☆Age☆ 23
☆Height☆ 5'7
☆ethnicity☆ Mixed

▪︎☆▪︎ Appearance ▪︎☆▪︎
Tiana has tan skin, she's a little lighter during winter but summer really tans her well. She has full lips and long curly hair. Her face covered in freckles from the sun. She has dark brown eyes and a permanent frown.

Tiana was raised by her parents in the wild west. They lived on the outskirts of town and were dirt poor. As a child Tiana loved school and would regularly sneak outside if the schoolhouse to learn how to write and read. Her parents started seriously fighting when she turned 8 most of their altercations turning violent. One day Tiana came home to hear her parent arguing and her father being more violent then usual. She saw him almost strangle her mither to death and in a last ditch effort to save her mother she shot him in his back. Her mother never got over it and A year later Tiana ran away from home after her mother labeled her a monster. Now she travels and is well known as one of the best sharp shooters in the west.

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Thank you!!
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2 | 0 Comments | May 1st 2024 16:39

▪︎☆▪︎ Ambrosia ▪︎☆▪︎


☆Name☆ Ambrosia
☆Gender☆ Female
☆Sexual orientation☆ Bisexual
☆Species☆ Goddess
☆ Magic☆ Life and abundance
☆Age☆ 8600
☆Height☆ 5'7
☆ethnicity☆ Black

▪︎☆▪︎ Appearance ▪︎☆▪︎
Ambrosia has black hair and full lips. Her skin and figure flawless she was definitely carved from the gods. Her eyes are gold and her cheeks have a pink hue. She has a young face.

Ambrosia is the goddess of life an abundance. She hadn't always been a goddess and once lived life as a regular human. During her lifetime her village was raided, during the raid she hid all of the woman and children within the corn fields then risking her own life to lead the raiders away. She was taken advantage of for weeks at their encampment before dying of hunger. Her village not knowing what happened built a grave to honor her their prayers and attention soon made her a goddess meant to continue to watch over them. She's keeps to herself and is jumpy around the other gods knowing they don't respect her.

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Thank you!!
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1 | 0 Comments | May 1st 2024 16:02

▪︎☆▪︎ Olivia Dawn ▪︎☆▪︎


☆Name☆ Olivia
☆Gender☆ Female
☆Sexual orientation☆ Bisexual
☆Species☆ Half elf Half human
☆ Magic☆ Holy Light
☆Age☆ 22
☆Height☆ 5'8
☆ethnicity☆ Black

▪︎☆▪︎ Appearance ▪︎☆▪︎
Olivia had long dark hair with full lips and big eyes. She has a consistent gentle gold glow which marks her goddesses Chaunteas favor. She prefers wearing gold and green as it is symbolic to life. She has side nose ring and tattoos of green vines around her feet ankles hands and wrists. She walks around barefoot

Olivia was raised on the outskirts of the City of Vaeles in the temple of Chauntea after her human father left her there with nothing but a letter containing apologies. She has become a healer for the goddess of Chauntea and is considered to have her divine favor. She is an introvert and prefers the peaceful life of the temple. She regularly prays and has a hard time doing anything her goddess might not like. She regularly makes trips to Vaeles and it's guilds to offer her healing services.

Please select the little image button on the bottom to view its the girl on the right .

Thank you!!
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3 | 0 Comments | May 1st 2024 15:39

▪︎☆▪︎ Coralie Vaeles ▪︎☆▪︎


☆Name☆ Coralie Vaeles
☆Gender☆ Female
☆Sexual orientation☆ Bisexual
☆Species☆ Human
☆Age☆ 22
☆Height☆ 5'5
☆ethnicity☆ Black and Irish

▪︎☆▪︎ Appearance ▪︎☆▪︎
Coralie is a causal girly girl. She has very curly and long dark brown hair but regularly dyes it pink. The bridge of her nose and cheeks are covered in freckles and she has a beauty mark located on her bottom lip. Her nails are naturally long and typically painted. She has big brown eyes and her ears are pierced.

Coralie was raised by her grandparents in the country. She has a bit of an accent that comes and goes. She's an only child but does long for some type of family connection and is always searching for new friends. She loves to cook and bake and shows her affection through it. Her favorite color is obviously pink and will regularly try to coordinate it somewhere into her outfits. She has a black cat named Saturn that she tries to take everywhere. She loves drinking and will regularly try to drink anyone under the table (but ultimately failed because she is a lightweight)

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Thank you!!
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3 | 0 Comments | May 1st 2024 15:07