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Cithria's Blog

My characters: The great 10

Welcome to my top 10 characters. These are the ones I will put the necessary effort and time in for roleplays and I will generally just play these. The others can be found on the secondary profile.

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2 | 0 Comments | Sep 14th 2021 17:27

Reviews on Cithria

Like the title says, here you find reviews on me as a roleplayer, my ideas, my replies, reply-speed and all that jazz. If you've roleplayed with me, please be so kind to leave a review. It gives me an idea on what I should improve on or on what works. Thanks and have a great day!

Reviews in the comments below
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4 | 13 Comments | Jan 12th 2021 08:48


As stated, here are some rules that I have. Sad that it had to come to this, but circumstances left me no choice, so here we go.

1) I don't do the naughty business. It's against the rules of this site and it's the reason I came to this site.

2) If you add, you message first, otherwise, I'll message first. To add to this, if you add, message me a simple hello and then expect me to lead the conversation, just no. Whoever you are, no.
Another point to make: if I accept your invite and you send me a message, I reply. If your next message is something that just a simple 'cool' or so, something not making conversation, I will delete you.

3) Put a little effort into it. If I do like a whole dictionary of effort in, don't just reply with 2 sentences. I understand it's sometimes hard, just try and it'll come naturally. If from time to time, a one-liner happens, that's fine, we're all humans.

4) I'm not a grammar nazi, but please try to write in proper English. You don't need to write like Shakespear with a broom up his ass, but a little decency would be appreciated. No, I'm not gonna kill you because you don't know the correct spelling for words like extraordinary or for typos.

5) I've been called many names on here despite my name clearly showing in my profile. So please no Bitch, Whore, Loser, Pervert, Rapist, Pedophile or Slut. Cithria or Cit/Cith will do just fine.

6) Not really a rule, but I'm pretty flexible in themes and stories. So don't be afraid to make a crazy suggestion. If you really wanna know, my favorites are fantasy, sci-fi, adventure, romance. Universes: Star Wars, Boku no Hero.

7) Life happens, I get it. If I don't hear from you for 5 days, even if it's just a short message to let me know you didn't forget about me, you'll get a friendly reminder. If I get no reaction after that for 5 more days, I hold myself in my complete right to delete you. I usually don't block people, except the ones that can't keep it in their pants. Of course you can use the same ruling against me, that'd be only fair. I respond (or at least try to) daily.
As an additional note: If you give me a reason for why you're offline (or going to be), this rule doesn't apply, obviously. If you're going camping for a month like Bear Grylles, of course you're not going to respond and I keep that in mind.
Finally, if we've not started roleplaying, or even discussing a roleplay, you're getting 2 days. That's a bit harsh, I know, but I want to prevent a friend/message overload so that I have the time and oversight to dedicate my energy to the people that actually derserve it in my eyes.

8) Last rule, I swear, but leave my characters to me and I let yours to you. easy as that.

9) Just have fun. And if you're not having fun, please let me know and we can change it up so once again, both can have fun. Isn't that easy?

10) If you made it this far and you actually read the entire thing, thank you and congratulations. Have this picture of a cute chick as a reward.

If you read everything, you can mention the following phrase in one of your first 3 replies, but you don't have to: ZA WARUDO!!!!!!!
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31 | 2 Comments | Dec 31st 2020 20:16