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Chaos_'s Blog

Falbane Brikas

Demon fighting his inner demon.

Backstory: Falbane was born to a war like faction of demons roaming the lands which they seek to rule one day. He luckily managed to escape when he reached adulthood as he saw the needles violence as something that went against his own nature.
Having seen his fair share of fighting and gruesome things, he has tried to dedicate his life into the positive things in life. But due to his demonic appearance he seems to find himself in trouble no matter of his good deeds.

Appearance: Falbanes usual skin toke is dark red but his time away from his brethren and view in life has turned his skin into a faint blue.
And that is not only thing that has changed. His physique is much more lean and fit rather than overly muscular as it was during his time with his demon pack.

Age: 23
Personality: Cheerful, Protective, Stubborn

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0 | 0 Comments | Sep 21st 2023 07:40

A partner for a Sci-Fi story (Action, Mystery, Rom

This is a vague plot which I hope we could refine more together, so bring your ideas to the table!
I'm leaving my character vague since I thought it would be fun for you to assign me a type of character to play as. Only restriction is that my character would be a male since these prompts involve romance and it would be Male x Female ^^

Your character would be remotely controlling a robot either because they are either too shy or sick to go out themselves. Working either independently or for a company to take down thugs or investigate crimes, eventually you would cross paths with me and we would end up working together.

Now I'd like us to meet face to face eventually, but that would happen only at the most extreme of situations. Someone attacked your home? You've fallen too sick?
From there our bond would grow even stronger etc.
As for your robot, it can be quite literally what ever you want! High tech and Humanoid or very crude early robot model with a drawn on face? Up to you~
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0 | 0 Comments | Sep 20th 2023 17:29