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1st character ♥

TW!: This OC has triggering things in the bio


Full Name: Akira Yukimura
Nickname: Aki, Kira
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Currently living in: In an one bedroom apartment, it is small
Occupation: Vocalist in a rockband (it is called Blossom Sojourner)
Sexual Orientation: Straight (but in drunken state she will flirt with anyone)
Relationship Status: Single, only has one night stands
Status: Alive


Height: 5'4 ~ 162 cm
Skin color: Honey tea
Hair style: Long, straight
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Chestnut brown
Distinguishing Features: A mole under her left eye and has squishy round cheeks. She has multiple tattoos on her body, except her neck and head
Preferred Clothing: She wears more edgy, grudge clothes and makes it fashionable in her own way. She likes to wear corsets with her dresses. She often gets the comments that she dresses rather skimpy just because she displays that she is comfortable in her body.
Accessories: She has many piercings (on her ears, eyebrow, nose and lips), she wears chokers and bralettes under her clothes often. She sometimes wears rings and has her nails painted frequently.


General health: Due her unhealthy style, she isn't exactly healthy but doesn't get sick that much
Any mental illnesses?: Complex PTSD, Bulimia, Depression
Take drugs?: Yes
Smoke?: Yes
Drinks?: Yes


Way of speaking: She has a slight Japanese accent, people around her says her voice sounds flat or dead when she isn't singing. Her singing voice in the other hand shows emotions.
Swears?: Yes


Likes: Sour snacks, clothes, shopping (has a shopping addiction), spending time with her son, drinking, butterflies and cats, freedom
Dislikes: Fanatics, any reminders of her past, cheaters, liars, being touched, paparazzi, failing as a mom

Styling outfits for herself, trying to learn how to cook, writing songs by putting her feelings in it

Ignores someone entirely if she is mad at them, frowns when she is flustered

Secrets meant to be secrets (it is revealed in the history part)

Being used, losing her son

Her only goal to give a good childhood to her son

(TW: Ab*se, SA) Akira never had loving family. Her parents constantly abused her and her siblings, but she had it worse as she was being used to get money for the family as a child. Her parents let older men take advantage of Akira in exchange for money. In her early teens, she got kidnapped by one of the men but her parents didn't bother to look after her as they got a lot of money to even care. At the age of 15, Akira got pregnant and gave birth to a boy who she named Umi. After getting enough courage, Akira killed her capturer at the age of 18 and with Umi, she ran away. She was found by a man who actually had a bounty on her capturer, so he managed to organize everything, so she wouldn't get in trouble and able to live normally. At the age of 23, with a few guys she used to drink with, she formed a band, Blossom Sojourner.

Akira hides her true feelings with an emotionless stare which she only shows around her son. She comes off as a cold and intimidating person but deep down she is just broken and caring. She shows that she is confident and self-centered yet she is very insecure and unsure about a lot of things. She is trying her best to be there for her son, Umi and tries to be a good mom. She hates herself for showing bad infulence to Umi.


Family: Despises her parents but she keeps in contact with her siblings as much as she can. She adores her son, Umi. She views the man who found her as a parental figure and she keeps contact with him
Love interest: She claims she doesn't need anyone as she is having one night stands
Friends: She doesn't think she has friends but she is close to her bandmates

+She is Japanese, she is fluent in both English and Japanese.
+Her son, Umi is 9 years old
+She has a lot of followers on her social media despite her rarely posting and it' mostly about her outfits
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1 | 0 Comments | Apr 14th 2024 14:40