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BunnyS-37's Blog


The character i roleplay as is a robot, created using unknown technology, which has gained sentience. He has features which resemble that of a rabbit such as bunny ears, nose and tail. His head is a sphere and displays a holographic face on the front. The technology used to create this robot allows its body parts to float in place, detached from the torso. This means the robot's fingers, arms, legs, head and bunny ears float in their respective places and can be controlled at will by the robot.

Though this robot appears to be cute and harmless, it does have the ability to morph its arms into multiple weapons. These weapons consist of a sword, large Hammer, shield, and energy rifle. It also has built-in armor which can be deployed and retracted at will. The armor appears to resemble that of a medieval knight. It was made using tungsten and steel, though steel makes up most of it. Despite this, his armor is difficult to pierce or even dent. This allows him to pursue any enemy with ease, though it does make him incredibly loud while it is deployed.

This is just some basic information about my character. I will edit and make changes to him as time goes on and possibly make a backstory. For now i will make him adapt to whatever type of roleplay gets throw his way.
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