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AmethystStorm's Blog

Kit Storm (Masc OC)//WIP

Name: Kit Storm
Age range: 17-23 depending on rp
Physical description: image. Has 3 current tattoos, 5 birds down his left shoulder (all black), butterfly with a paintbrush down the center on his left wrist (outline only), and a master ball on his right wrist (colour). 5"10 on a good day.
Personality: kinda awkward and shy until he gets to know someone, but then he doesn't shut up too easily. His energy can be somewhat described as akin to a puppy when he's around someone he's friends with/crushing on. A gamer, musician (he tries to learn acoustic guitar), and a little bit of a bookworm as well, he's a guy with plenty of talents, yet not enough motivation a lot of the time to pursue more than one at once. When he's crushing on another person (guy or girl), he becomes easily enamoured and infatuated, being a very affectionate guy. He wears his heart on his sleeve a lot of the time, and isn't afraid of showing his emotions.
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2 | 0 Comments | May 1st 2023 20:04

Palma Thompson

Age: 15-17 (depending on rp)
Occupation: Student
Background: Shes a very bubbly girl, always popular, and on her phone as much as she can get away with. Even though her parents are rich, she is not your typical mean rich snob. She hangs around with anyone, and she loves looking after people. She is an animal lover, and she has a husky and an akita, as well as a chocolate brown horse who shes had since she was young. Shes also an academic, and a sporty individual, but is sometimes too quick too believe what she's told, as she is still quite childish, as a result of her being an only child.
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4 | 1 Comment | Mar 3rd 2020 23:06

Miss Mio Rosario

Name: Mio Rosario
Age: 20
Occupation: trainee teacher
Location: New York City
Background: her father is half British, half American, and her mother is Japanese. They were together for 10 years before they had Mio. She was born in Arita, Japan and was brought up there until the age of 4, where her and her family moved to New York. As a result of her being such a mix of cultures, she was heavily teased and bullied when she was in school, and she vowed from the age of 10, that she was going to stop any other children from being bullied if she could help it.
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2 | 0 Comments | Mar 3rd 2020 22:54