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Agapimenos_Diavolos's Blog

Peccare and Libidine.

Name: Peccare and Libidine

Age: 30

Gender: Peccare a female while Libidine a hermaphrodite

Race: Succubus/obyrith

Abilities: Peccare can summon primordial magics of all fluidous items, including water air and such as molten ores and minerals while also having a high understanding of the properties of each and can feed off of her sibling while Libidine needs a stable source. Much more stable than her sister to feed from. And she is able to sense all things from the earth and pull them to her as well as control fire to melting hot temperatures using primordial magics of the god Geb while Peccares are acquired from Nut.

Flaws: Peccare is an all around adrenaline junky who loves life to the fullest and drags her sibling along with her while Libidine prefers to be all too precautionary and if she could would rather live in an impenetrable bubble.

Bio: Peccare and Libidine both were born before the Egyptian gods and were given powers of the Primordials by their birth. As they grew to their ages of date though they each were toyed with and made fun of. Peccare being the shy and scared one while young used to love to go and see Hapi the god of the Nile. She often would find herself away from her sibling who at the time was a stubborn hot headed brat and lived for a visit to Khonsu for a bet for his ever flowing ans resourceful moonlight. Sadly though one day while they were apart Khonsu won a bet against Libidine and did... Experiments with the poor lass. She was made to lose her voice and gain a sense of paranormal telepathy that could only ever reach her sibling. She cried out and sent a jolt of pain, merely a small bit to her sister who was enjoying a boat ride on Hapi's ship. Sadly when this happened they both gained a long buried sense of hunger. Their succubus sides awakened Khonsu was Libidines first meal while Hapi was Peccare's first meal. Their lusts for more to feast insatiable as they feasted upon the entire Egyptian religion's gods and goddesses. Bringing upon their fall to extinction.

Favorite hangouts: Libidine being less talkative but still as much of a hothead as ever loves to go to gamblin rings and casinos of all kinds. Her favorite being the House of the Rising Sun in New Orleans. Peccare being a legitimate chatterbox perfers places full of positive energies and usually would rather hang out in Karaoke bars and the such. Places where people get artificial boosts to their psyche and get happy.
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Soth Ah'sgn

Name: Soth Ah'sgn

Gender: Male

Age: 28 in terms of how long he has beem in realms with times of reality

Height: 6'6

Ability: Anti-matter body with ability to control what it affects. Immortal Shield. Unbridled Fury. Physical Enhancement.

Weakness: when he dies he has to await for an amount of time dependent of how severe the wound was. A missing head is one weekend. And for an internal organ he only takes 2-3 hours. Along with this when he is feeling any emotions his eyes change color dependent on the mood.

Bio: [To Be Determined] (edited)
January 29, 2020
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0 | 0 Comments | Nov 16th 2022 22:16